
Following a bench trial over the risks of adding fluoride to drinking water, a California federal judge told the challengers to file a new administrative petition with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency so it can consider the substance’s risk with the benefit of new evidence.

… “[A new petition] will enable plaintiffs to address the serious standing issues,” Judge Chen wrote. “A second petition will also afford EPA an opportunity to consider the significant scientific developments that have occurred since the original petition was filed.”

… On Monday, Judge Chen questioned the evidence the challengers presented, saying there are “serious questions” about the plaintiffs standing.

The evidence at trial was “overwhelmingly, if not exclusively” focused on the alleged neurodevelopmental harm fluoride posed during “critical developmental periods, such as the gestational and neonatal periods.” But the plaintiffs haven’t alleged they are pregnant or might be soon…

— Additional reporting by Hannah Albarazi. Editing by Nicole Bleier.

*A subscription is needed to read the full article at https://www.law360.com/compliance/articles/1300193/fluoride-risk-question-headed-back-to-epa-after-trial