The Dept of Health?s uncertainty about allowing prescription of clinically trialled cannabis-based medicinal products with acceptable side effect profile (Florian Scheibein IMN 16/7/2012) and recommended for approval by the European Medicines Agency for MS treatment, is at total variance with the Department?s absolute certainty in treating everyone via their tap water with a uniform dose of clinically untrialled and unlicensed fluorosilicates.

The Health Minister, Dr James Reilly is even more compromised considering that since March 2012, on, informed individuals have at the rate of one a day refused their consent to be treated with this off-label medicinal product.

Five months on and the medically trained minister persists in prescribing this fake medical product whose other use is the industrial treatment of metal surfaces. He is in blatant defiance of the Medicinal Products Directive (2001/83/EC), the Clinical Trials Directive (2001/20/EC) and Good Clinical Practice Directive (2005/28/EC) — all designed to protect consumers in Europe from quack treatments and products. It is hard to conceive of anyone with a greater obligation to end this illicit medical assault on the people of Ireland than the current Health Minister.