As part of the ongoing upgrades at the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant, City Council is set to discuss the construction of a new Fluoridation System.

As City Council continues with 2020 budget deliberations, it’s been recommended by the Department of Engineering Services to increase the 2020 capital budget for the new system to $2,300,000. That will also include influent lines including tie-ins at the Northeast Reservoir.

The project has two phases. Phase I began in 2017 and was completed December 4, 2018. The construction contract for Phase II is scheduled to be committed in January 2020.

According to information in the City’s preliminary budget submission, after several mechanical and hardware issues, the current fluoridation system has failed and is currently out of service since replacement parts are difficult to obtain and/or obsolete.

A letter from the Saskatchewan Health Authority was received by the Department of Engineering Services in support of community water fluoridation.

You can watch deliberations live tonight through the City of Moose Jaw’s YouTube channel. Check Discover Moose Jaw later this week for Council’s decision.

*Original article online at