Make fluoride ingestion the individual choice of an informed public

I am in agreement with Mr. Deming on reassessment of water fluoridation in our community. Where we differ is the approach to end the practice. While it appears democratic to put the issue to a vote, I disagree that the majority has any right to force on their neighbor a substance that has remained an unapproved drug (per the FDA) for the purpose of water fluoridation for lack of sufficient safety information.
As Mr. Deming stated, fluoride is highly toxic and talk of an “optimal dose” is just talk.

In scientific circles it is believed that there is no such thing as an optimal dose for fluoride, just as it is believed not to exist for lead.

At the utilities meeting on March 24, studies on fluoride’s neurotoxicity in children were presented.

Meanwhile, a new study was published in Sweden that showed an increased risk of hip fractures in postmenopausal women in areas with fluoride levels comparable to fluoridated areas in the U.S.

They follow numerous studies showing harm to animal and human organ systems.

Meanwhile, the Fluoride Action Network has asked for the resignation of the director of the Dental Department of the CDC, Casey Hannan. The director, a public servant, has been making some statements that are clearly untrue in regard to fluoridation levels and harm to persons. Some of these appeared in a supporting letter from the CDC, provided by the Larimer County Environmental Health Services Director among the LUC meeting materials.

There was an abject absence of any acknowledgment of studies showing harm by the representatives of the Larimer County and state health departments and other fluoridation supporters.

At the least, the discussion should only be starting and independent information is key.

Traudl Renner

*Original letter (Letters: Indigenous people; fluoridation) online at