Note from Fluoride Action Network,
Currently, Kentucky has mandatory fluoridation for communities with a population of 1,500 or more. Statutes clearly delegate powers to the State Board of Health to adopt regulations necessary to protect the dental health of the people. Under this law, Kentucky established standards for approval of public water supplies. These administrative regulations have been challenged in the courts and upheld. Senate Bill 86 will “Amend KRS 211.190 to allow local government entities and special districts to void implementation of the water fluoridation programs administered by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services by legislative action.” (EC)

As oral health advocates, we are counting on you to raise your voice against  Senate Bill 86.

For over 70 years, public water providers have had a direct connection to improving the oral health of Kentucky children and adults through fluoridation of the public drinking water supply.  This regulation, administered by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services has been a safe, reliable, cost-effective preventive measure to keep teeth strong and reduce cavities by at least 25%. With KOHC’s unifying interest to improve the oral health for all people in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, we are deeply concerned this piece of legislation would make water fluoridation programs administered by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services optional.

Fluoride benefits children and adults across lifespan and income levels. Additionally, as a state with growing budget deficits, an analysis of Medicaid claims in three states found that children living in fluoridated communities had lower treatment costs related to tooth decay than did similar children living in non-fluoridated communities. Fluoridation not only saves money, but it allows children and adults to learn and work free of dental pain.

Despite our historic issues with poor oral health in Kentucky, we have made strides towards improvement. In fact, we’re leading the nation with 99% of Kentucky communities having water fluoridation programs. We as a Commonwealth cannot afford to move backward. We strongly urge you to oppose SB 86 in the interest of oral health in the Commonwealth of Kentucky!

SB 86 has been assigned to the Senate State and Local Government Committee and is awaiting a hearing. We need your help in advocating for the oral health of all Kentuckians.

Find out who your state Senator is by using this tool and contact them. You can reach out to your state Senator through email, phone call, or meeting in person.

Tell them you are a constituent and share this message:

“Please vote NO on Senate Bill 86 which would make water fluoridation programs optional. Fluoridation benefits Kentuckians of all ages and income levels and contributes to good oral health.”

*Original article online at

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