
Effectiveness of resin based sealants with and without fluoride placed in a high caries risk population : multicentric 2 year randomised clinical trial.

Comments on this article in the British Dental Journal, 2019, Jan 11; 226(1)39. The presence of fluoride in the sealant material is less important. ... It was found that sealant placement was effective at preventing carious lesions and that this protective effect was present regardless of the absence of fluoride in the sealant material. Other risk factors considered included deep fissures in permanent molars, the presence of non-cavitated lesions and previous caries experience in the deci

Economic evaluation of an expanded caries-preventive program targeting toddlers in high-risk areas in Sweden.

Excerpts: Many times, interventions are implemented based on efficacy studies and other populations. This study shows the importance of evaluating ongoing efforts already in place. We had anticipated that the supplemental intervention would be effective and that it would be beneficial to put into clinical practice. But evidence-based medicine is about facts and proof, not belief. The evidence did not support our anticipations. Dental caries is a multifactorial disease [27] and, thus, require

Dental Cleaning, Community Water Fluoridation and Preterm Birth, Massachusetts: 2009–2016.

Appendix MA PRAMS questions on Dental Cleaning https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2016/07/vj/prams-09-11-survey.pdf Years 2009-2011, Q78 https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2016/07/pr/prams-12-15-survey.pdf Years 2012-2015, Q31c https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2017/11/30/prams-survey-2016-2019.pdf Year 2016, Q27