
Role of Wnt/B-catenin signaling pathway in ameloblast differentiation in relevance to dental fluorosis.

Introduction Excess consumption of fluoride during the development of tooth enamel will cause dental fluorosis. The typical manifestations of dental fluorosis are striations, mottling, and even discoloration or pitting on the enamel surface in severe cases [1]. Dental fluorosis is endemic in several Asian countries, such as China, India and Pakistan, and it's a serious public health issue around the world [2]. A large number of studies have been conducted to explore the pathogenesis of enamel d

Comparative inequalities in child dental caries across four countries: Examination of international birth cohorts and implications for oral health policy.

Introduction Despite great improvements in the oral health of populations, dental caries (an infectious disease caused by certain types of bacteria [1]) remains a significant and preventable population health problem even in high-income countries [2, 3], and particularly for children [4]. This is highlighted by the recent WHO call for a global oral health strategy by 2022 involving major systems reforms placing equity and social justice at the core [5]. Dental caries is the most common disease

Fluoride: From Nutrient to Suspected Neurotoxin.

1. Introduction The guest editor for this special issue asked me to describe some of my many interactions over the past 60 years with those on both sides of the ongoing “war” over fluoridating drinking water [1]. Although in recent years the war has been reduced to local skirmishes over referendums, the war will undoubtedly heat up again if the federal appeals court in San Francisco rules for the plaintiff and mandates that the EPA stop fluoridation in the United States! As one of the few r

Co-exposure of potentially toxic elements in wheat grains reveals a probabilistic health risk in Southwestern Guizhou, China.

Introduction Soil pollution by potentially toxic elements (PTEs) has spread worldwide, provoking the ecosystem and health risks to humans, owing to their stable, persistent, and irreversible properties (1). Crops grown in contaminated soils may accumulate PTE in their edible parts, resulting in an excessive human intake, which eventually poses adverse impacts to humans via the food chain (2–4). PTE can enter the human body in three ways including ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact, w

Acute Rubigine ® Poisoning in Martinique a French Overseas Department of America: Clinical Characteristics and Prognostic Factors.

1. Introduction Hydrofluoric acid (HF) poisoning is a medical emergency and represents a significant public health problem since it is fatal in nearly 50% of cases [1,2,3]. Rubigine® is an acid caustic product (pH < 1) composed of fluorides; it is a very common rust remover used in the Caribbean, more particularly in Martinique. It has been reported that, in the 1960s, it was the cause of a large number of deaths [4]. Its composition was not modified until April 1994, when a prefectural de

Fluoride application in paediatric patients attending general anaesthetic in Carlisle and Eden.

INTRODUCTION The 2019 National Epidemiological Survey indicated that 23.4% of 5-year-olds in England had an experience of dental decay.1 Between 40% and 45% of these visibly decayed teeth in high-risk children will develop pain and infection regardless of the treatment plan.2 Treatment in children is challenging and, in some cases, impossible without general anaesthesia (GA). In North Cumbria, children attend for exodontia under GA on lists planned and staffed by the Community Dental S