
Editorial: Water fluoridation in Scotland?

On 23 September 2021, the four UK Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) stated 'there is strong scientific evidence that water fluoridation is an effective public health intervention for reducing the prevalence of tooth decay and improving dental health equality across the UK'.1 Water fluoridation started in the USA in 1945 and is currently practised in about 25 countries. In the USA, 74% of the population receives fluoridated water, with over 200 million people having their water fluoridat

Monitoring and prediction of high fluoride concentrations in groundwater in Pakistan.

3.3. Health risk map A health risk map was made using the optimal cut-off value of 0.47 (Fig. 5). It identifies numerous densely populated regions where people rely on groundwater associated with high fluoride. In total, over 13 million people are estimated to be potentially affected by fluoride contamination in groundwater, which is 6.0% of the total population in Pakistan. However, this number would be even larger if the population in regions with probabilities under the cut-off of 0.47 w

Global analysis and prediction of fluoride in groundwater.

Table 1. Top 20 countries in population potentially affected by fluoride concentrations in groundwater greater than 1.5mg/L. Open in a separate window Rank Country Population at risk (range) Rank Country Population at risk (range) (million) (million) 1 India 49 (26–89) 11 Malawi 4.0 (3.5–4.8) 2 China 22 (1–50) 12 Zambia 3.4 (1.4–3.6) 3 Dem. Rep. Congo 15 (2–16) 13 Mozambique 2.6 (1.7–3.4) 4 Ethiopia 9.6 (

Fluorine content of several brands of chocolate bars and chocolate cookies found in Brazil.

Abstract Chocolate bars and chocolate cookies are foodstuffs highly appreciated by children. The possibility of having fluorine (F) among their components, associated with an excessive consumption, may make them decisive contributors to the total daily F intake. Thus, they could participate in the establishment of dental fluorosis. The aim of this study was to analyze the fluorine concentration [F] of the chocolates bars (CB) Baton, Confeti, Garoto Ball, Kinder Ovo, M&M’s, Milkybar, Nesca

Fluoride Transport and Inhibition Across CLC Transporters.

Notes 1. Fluoride is isosteric with hydroxide and can compete with phosphate and carboxylate groups, thus acting as a substrate- or transition state-like inhibitor of several enzymatic reactions (Strunecka and Strunecky 2020). 2. Higher organisms can avoid fluoride’s harmful effects, thanks to the exquisite selectivity of most of their anion channels and transporters, which limits fluoride resorption in the gastrointestinal tract (Johnston and Strobel 2020). 3. Larger anions, su

[RETRACTED] Fluoride Exposure Suppresses Proliferation and Enhances Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Apoptosis Pathways in Hepatocytes by Downregulating Sirtuin-1.

1. Introduction Fluorine exists in the environment in the form of fluoride [1]. And fluorine is a vital trace element present in humans and animals, mainly in bones and teeth [2, 3]. While long-term exposure to fluoride in the air, food, and water can lead to fluorosis, it can also cause dental fluorosis and fluorosis bone disease [4]. It has also been confirmed that chronic fluorosis can result in extensive pathological damage to the body [5]. Excessive intake of fluorine will cause morphologi

Effects of chronic fluorosis on the brain.

Highlights Reviewing the mechanism of brain injury caused by chronic fluorosis is of great significance for protecting residents in fluorosis endemic areas. Abstract This article reviews the effects of chronic fluorosis on the brain and possible mechanisms. We used PubMed, Medline and Cochraine databases to collect data on fluorosis, brain injury, and pathogenesis. A large number of in vivo and in vitro studies and epidemiological investigations have found that