
Fluoride: mode of action.

Conclusions and Perspectives The results obtained so far on the cellular mechanism by which fluoride may influence the growth and differentiation of osteoblastic cell lines strongly suggest alteration of one or several G protein-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation process(es), activation of the ERK, and possibly other signaling pathways. There is a controversy of whether enhancement of tyrosine phosphorylation induced by fluoride results from inhibition of tyrosine phosphatase(s) or activation

Current problems relating to the pharmacology and toxicology of fluorides.

To the surprise of many, it was not until six years after the repeal of the fluoride law that the Socialstyrelse (National Social Welfare Board) and the responsible Minister for Social Services lngegerd Troedsson started any significant activity to enable the Riksdag (Parliament) to introduce once more a law permitting the fluoridation of drinking water. The reason given for the actions is given as new results which are said to show the question in a new light. I have gone through the current li