
Interim Guidance on Reconstituted Infant Formula

Have any of your patients ever asked what type of water should be used when mixing powdered or liquid concentrate infant formula? Information about fluoride intake for infants and young children, which includes interim guidance on reconstituted infant formula, is posted on ADA.org. The appropriate amount of fluoride is essential to prevent tooth decay, but fluoride intake above the recommended level for a child’s age creates a risk for enamel fluorosis in teeth during their development before

Sodium fluoride in the treatment of osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

In a study of workers exposed to cryolite (sodium aluminum fluoride) dust for many years, Roholm (1) found that some had severe chronic skeletal fluorosis but that in a greater number there was radiologic evidence of osteosclerosis which was not associated with symptoms. This observation led Rich and Ensinck (2) to administer sodium fluoride to patients with rarefying disorders of the skeleton in the belief that the production of a mild degree of asymptomatic osteosclerosis would strengthen the