
Symptoms experienced during periods of actual and supposed water fluoridation

[T]he significant decrease in the number of other skin rashes leaves room for speculation, seeming to favor the view that a small segment of the population may have some kind of intolerance to fluoride. This group of people should be studied further. The most frequently reported symptoms that disappeared from the time of actual to known discontinuation of fluoridation seemed to be itching and dryness of the skin.

Fluoride dentrifice and stomatitis

Stomatitis has been seen with increasing frequency the past fifteen months (prior to October 1956). At first I was quite aware that a gastrointestinal disturbance, gall bladder disorder or some physical or pyschologic factor might be producing some of the oral lesions which I was seeing. However, as time passed I became more and more cognizant of one basic underlying factor -- namely, practically all of the patients whom I was seeing were using dental powder or cream which contained one of the f

Contact dermatitis and stomatitis due to amine fluoride

Case Report For prevention of dental caries, a 17-year-old boy had intermittently used a gel containing different fluoride compounds over a period of 2 years. In the last 2 months, 1 to 2 days after application, he had developed itchy perioral erythematous papules and plaques, with vesicles of the oral mucosa. The lesions healed within 1 to 2 weeks, followed by perioral scaling. Other dentifrices were tolerated well. Patch tests were carried out with the European standard series, drug and oint

Contact urticaria from sodium fluoride

Sodium fluoride (NaF) is. used for the treatment and prevention of dental caries. Its application to the teeth makes the dental enamel more resistant to acid. In some communities, it is added to the water if the geographical area lacks sufficient fluoride. Another method of preventing dental caries is the use of sodium fluoride topically on the teeth in solution or in toothpastes or gels. Other indications for sodium fluoride are as an insecticide and rodenticide. It has also been used orally to

Aggravation of dermatitis herpetiformis by dental fluoride treatments

It has been well established that ingestion of iodides or the painting of the pharynx with iodine will exacerbate dermatitis herpetiformis [1]; it is not well recognized that fluorides may do so. I report a patient with dermatitis herpetifonnis whose disease was apparently aggravated by application of fluoride to his teeth. Case report. An 83-year-old man had had the onset of typical dermatitis herpetiformis at the age of 75. The disease had been satisfactorily controlled for several years by a

Fluoride tooth paste: a cause of perioral dermatitis

Since its description in 1957 by Frumess and Lewis as a “light-sensitive seborrheid,” perioral dermatitis (PD) has continued to be a perplexing entity. (1) Many causes have been postulated, including sunlight sensitivity, birth control pills, emotional stress, fluorinated steroid creams, Candida albicans, and rosacea. We have gathered clinical and historical data implicating fluoride dentrifices as an important etiologic factor in this dermatosis. The following two cases support this obse