
Endemic fluorosis: a study of the factors involved in the production of mottled enamel in children and severe bone manifestations in adults

Summary and Conclusions A detailed study of the factors involved in the production of "mottled enamel" in children and severe bone manifestations in adults; as a result of the ingestion of fluorides in drinking water, has been made during the last three years. This study revealed: 1. "Mottled enamel" in children was universally present in all the areas where the fluoride content of the waterwas in the neighbourhood of or exceeded 1 part per million. The severity of the condition was in pro

The effects of excessive fluoride intake

The number of persons with markedly worn teeth does not appear to be directly related to the fluoride content of the water consumed. There is a suggestion, however, that the wearing down process starts earlier in places with exceptionally high levels of fluoride in the water. The teeth most commonly affected were the central incisors. In some advanced cases, more than half of the total of the normally exposed portion of the tooth had been worn away. There did not seem to be any great prevalence

Fluorosis in Aden

The cases to be described here occurred in the Aden Protectorate where for the last 12 years mass screening of the chest to exclude pulmonary tuberculosis has been carried out. The patients had all drunk the brackish water from the wells, and the analysis of the water from a well which was the source of water for six of the cases showed sodium fluoride to be present in six parts per million. . . . Anaemia Many of the patients exhibit a degree of anaemia, but unfortunately not many of the p