
Sketetal changes in endemic fluorosis

Summary 1. The skeletal changes in endemic fluorosis are described from an area of the Punjab where the fluorine content of water and soil is very high. 2. A detailed description of a fluorotic skeleton is given, with its various anthropometric measurements. 3. The vertebral changes demonstrated the pathogenesis of the neurological complications observed in this condition.

Fluorosis and osteomalacia

Clinical history A 30-year-old taxicab driver presented with a 1-year history of low back pain radiating into the posterior aspect of both legs, stiffness during inactivity, and proximal upper and lower limb myalgia. Symptoms were poorly controlled with acetaminophen. The medical history was unremarkable. The patient was a vegetarian, smoked 5 cigarettes per day, and did not drink alcohol. He was born in the Punjab region of southern Asia and had lived there until moving to the United Kingdom

An uncommon presentation of fluorosis

Skeletal fluorosis mimicking seronegative arthritis

Fluorosis is endemic in certain parts of the world, especially the Asian subcontinent (1). We report an unusual presentation of fluorosis mimicking seronegative spondyloarthritis. Although fluorosis is known to cause irritable bowel syndrome-like disorder and joint pain, this could be wrongly diagnosed as a case of seronegative arthritis. Case report A 35-year-old female presented with joint pain involving the lower back, both heels, and the knee for the past 3 years. She described early m

Mottled enamel in Oklahoma Panhandle, and its possible relations to child development

Summary and Conclusions 1. Results of surveys made in Oklahoma Panhandle on Chronic Fluorine Intoxication was stated, the endemic areas located, the mottled enamel index derived, the fluorine content of the water supply of the different areas given along with the depth of the wells, along with the findings on physical examinations of those afflicted with this condition. 2. That there is evidence which indicates that there is a definite relation between chronic fluorine poisoning as detected by