
The effect of fluorine on the level of intelligence in children.

Results of IQ testing: the number of children whose level of intelligence is lower is significantly increased in regions of high fluoride/iodine, regions of high fluoride only, regions of high fluoride/low iodine, against their respective comparative groups. Little difference was detected in the results of high fluoride/iodine regions and regions where only a high amount of fluoride is detected. However, the results in these aforementioned regions in comparison against regions of high f

Effect of high-fluoride water supply on children’s intelligence.

The results of this study indicate that intake of high-fluoride drinking water from before birth has a significant deleterious influence on children's IQ in one of two similar villages. No real differences were found for gender. In the high-fluoride village of Sima the number of children with IQ of 69 or below was six times that in the healthier low-fluoride village of Xinghua. There were also fewer children (20) in Sima with superior IQ scores of 120 or higher than the number (27) in Xingh

Analysis on TSH and intelligence level of children with dental fluorosis in a high fluoride area.

... The results of the intelligence tests show that a high level of fluoride influences children’s IQ, which is consistent with some previous data[4]. It is worth mentioning that the higher the degree of dental fluorosis, the more negative the impact on the children’s intelligence level. This is an issue which merits utmost attention. We believe that the low intelligence of children has no relation to the level of TSH. Although there are differences found in TSH values between the end

Comparative assessment of the physical and mental development of children in endemic fluorosis area with water improvement and without water improvement.

The results of  measurements of morphological indices showed that the height, weight and sitting height of children in the fluorosis area without water improvement were lower than the groups from the fluorosis area with water improvement and the non-fluorosis area. The age group that had obvious differences was mainly the 12-to-14-­year-­olds, which indicates that this age group is at the second rapid growth period for children's growth and development. High fluoride delays and p