
Drinking water fluoridation and oral health inequities in Canadian children.

Footnotes Acknowledgements: L. McLaren is supported by a Population Health Investigator Award from Alberta Innovates–Health Solutions. J.C.H. Emery is the Svare Professor in Health Economics at the University of Calgary. Conflict of Interest: None to declare. References 1. Rose G. The Strategy of Preventive Medicine. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 1992. [Google Scholar] 2. Hawe P, Potvin L. What is population health intervention research? Can J Public Health.

Equity in children’s dental caries before and after cessation of community water fluoridation: differential impact by dental insurance status and geographic material deprivation.

Abstract Background One of the main arguments made in favor of community water fluoridation is that it is equitable in its impact on dental caries (i.e., helps to offset inequities in dental caries). Although an equitable effect of fluoridation has been demonstrated in cross-sectional studies, it has not been studied in the context of cessation of community water fluoridation (CWF). The objective of this study was to compare the socio-economic patterns of chil

The Brantford-Sarnia-Stratford Fluoridation Caries Study 1955 Report.

Page 1 On June 20th, 1955, Brantford completed ten years of experience with mechanically fluoridated water. Earlier reports (1) have shown that the full decay-preventing effect of the fluoridated water on the permanent dentition of the Brantford children began to show itself in 1951, when the first permanent molars appeared in the mouths of the children born there in 1945. In 1953, after these teeth had been exposed in the mouths of the eight-year-old children for a period of two years out r

Prenatal fluorides: the value of fluoride during pregnancy.

Page 1 Available clinical and experimental data provide little evidence that the administration of supplementary fluorides to the pregnant woman living in a nonfluoride area is of great benefit to the teeth of her offspring. Because calcification of the entire permanent and a large portion of the deciduous teeth is a postnatal process, it is suggested that in areas where there is no fluoridated drinking water, extra dietary fluorides be prescribed after birth or before tooth eruption. Since

Placental transfer of fluoride and calcium.

References 1.Bawden J.W., Wolkoff A.S., Flowers Jr., C.E. PLACENTAL TRANSFER OF F18 IN SHEEP.  J. Dent. Res. 1964; 43: 678. 2. Clark E.P., Collip J.B. J. A STUJ;)Y OF THE TISDALL METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF BLOOD SERUM CALCIUM WITH A SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONBiol. Chem. 1925; 63: 461. - Full Text PDF 3. Denzer B.S., Reiner M., Weiner S.B. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 1939; 57: 809. Google Scholar 4. Gedalia I., Bryzezinski A., Bercovici B., Lazaron E. ed. 2. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med