
Fluoride in pharmaceutical preparations.

Summary 1. Thirty-nine pharmaceuticals prescribed by obstetricians and pediatricians were analyzed for micro quantities of fluoride for this report, 2. Effect of ingestion of occult fluoride on cord blood and placenta is referred to, 3. Cause of "idiopathic opacities" of enamel and enamel hypoplasias occurring in fluoride free or "optimum supplied'' water supplies is suggested. Ingestion of fluorides for the partial prevention of dental caries has been suggested for some time, wit

Efficacy and Safety of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Treatments: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.

References Cheng, L.; Zhang, K.; Zhang, Z. Effectiveness of thiazides on serum and urinary calcium levels and bone mineral density in patients with osteoporosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Drug Des. Dev. Ther. 2018, 12, 3929–3935. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Cummings, S.R.; Melton, L.J. Epidemiology and outcomes of osteoporotic fractures. Lancet 2002, 359, 1761–1767. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Vidal, M.; Thibodaux, R.J.; Neira, L.F.V.; Messina, O.D. Osteoporosis: A

Dental health of preschool children after two-years of a supervised tooth brushing program in Southern Israel.

Background Supervised tooth brushing is an important part of leading national oral health improvement programs in different countries. With the cessation of water fluoridation in 2014, a new program was immediately required to provide community-based caries prevention, especially amongst young children. The aim of this study was to determine whether a supervised tooth brushing program (STBP) in kindergartens could reduce dental caries amongst preschool children, when compared with c

Environmental Fluoride 1977 by Rose & Marier

The Associate Committee on Scientific Criteria for Environmental Quality was established by the National Research Council of Canada in response to a mandate provided by the Federal Government to develop scientific guidelines for defining the quality of the environment. The concern of the NRC Associate Committee is strictly with scientific criteria. Pollution standards and objectives are the responsibility of the regulatory authorities and are set for the purpose of pollution control. These may b

Fluoride balance in infants and young children in the UK and its clinical relevance for the dental team.

  Key Points Provides an overview of the main sources of fluoride in children. Stresses the proportion of fluoride (F) intake from ingestion of toothpaste. Draws attention to the implications for oral health of the F balance in infants and young children. Illustrates the importance of assessing fluoride exposure at an individual and community level in the context of clinical dental practice. Abstract This paper provides an overview of the main source

Fluoride Salts are no Better at Preventing New Vertebral Fractures than Calcium-Vitamin D in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: The FAVOStudy.

Author information Affiliations P.J. Meunier, Department of Rheumatology and Bone Disease, Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyon, France, FR J.-L. Sebert, Department of Rheumatology, Hôpital Nord, Amiens, France, FR J.-Y. Reginster, Bone and Cartilage Metabolism Unit and Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Liège, Belgium, BE D. Briancon, Reine Hortense Hospital, Aix-les-Bains, France, FR T. Appelboom, Division of Rheumatology, Erasmus University Hospital, Brussels,

Fluoride and fractures: an ecological fallacy.

References 1.Kroger H, et al. Public Health Service report on fluoride benefits and risks. MMWR Morb Mort Wkly Rep. 1991; 40: 1-8 2. The effect of fluoridated drinking water on axial bone mineral density: a population based study. Bone Miner. 1994; 27: 33-41. Full Text PDF 3. Fluoridation Census. US Department of Health and Human Services. CDC, Division of Oral Health Atlanta, PHS. GeorgiaSeptember 1993. Google Scholar 4. Riggs BL. et al. Effect of fluoride treatment on the fracture ra