
A trial for improving thyroid gland dysfunction in rats by using a marine organism extract.

References ABDUL RAHMAN, M.M. and FETOUH, F.A., 2013. Effect of sodium fluoride on the thyroid follicular cells and the amelioration by calcium supplementation in albino rats: A light and an electron microscopic study. The Journal of American Science, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 107-114. [ Links ] BANCHROFT, J.D., STEVENS, A.A. and TURNER, D.R., 1996. Theory and practice of histological techniques. 4th ed. Churchil Livingstone: Elsevier. [ Links ] CHENG, S.Y., LEONARD, J.L. and DAVIS, P.J., 2010.

Serum fluoride levels following commencement of methoxyflurane for patient analgesia in an ambulance service.

Editor—Methoxyflurane, once a frequently used anaesthetic agent,1 is re-emerging as an inhalation analgesic. In modern practice, it is given in doses of up to 6 mL via a proprietary patient-controlled self-delivery device2  with an activated carbon filter designed to adsorb some methoxyflurane vapour from the patient's exhaled breath.3 Methoxyflurane is an organic vapour, identified as causing local environmental contamination when administered in anaesthesia or analgesia, and can subseque

Systematic review of water fluoridation.

Objective: To review the safety and efficacy of fluoridation of drinking water. Design: Search of 25 electronic databases and world wide web. Relevant journals hand searched; further information requested from authors. Inclusion criteria were a predefined hierarchy of evidence and objectives. Study validity was assessed with checklists. Two reviewers independently screened sources, extracted data, and assessed validity. Main outcome measures: Decayed, missing, and filled primary/permanent teet

Health Effects of Ingested Fluoride

Excerpts: INTRODUCTION Fluoridation of drinking water has been a subject of controversy for decades. Over the past 50 years, the incidence of dental caries (cavities) has declined considerably in the United States, an important health advance that most scientists attribute principally to increased access to fluoridated water and dental products. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 132 million Americans now receive drinking water that contains fluorid

Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards.

Excerpts: Summary Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required to establish exposure standards for contaminants in public drinking-water systems that might cause any adverse effects on human health. These standards include the maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG), the maximum contaminant level (MCL), and the secondary maximum contaminant level (SMCL). The MCLG is a health goal set at a concentration at which no adverse health effects ar