
Maternal and fetal exposures to fluoride during mid-gestation among pregnant women in northern California.

Introduction In the United States (US), water and water-based beverages contribute to approximately 75% of the total fluoride intake among adults living in communities that fluoridate their water supply [1]. The most recent estimates posted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are that nearly three-fourths of the U.S. population with access to community water systems receive water adjusted to the federally recommended concentration of 0.7 mg/L

Acute Fluoride Poisoning.

RECENTLY, the writer was consulted about treatment of acute fluoride poisoning, in view of the increasing use of fluorine and fluorine containing compounds in industries. In outlining the treatment recommended, a point which was stressed was that, aside from death due to the corrosive action of the poison, death may result very rapidly from reduction of the calcium content of the blood. A number of textbooks on toxicology in the English language do not mention fluoride poisoning.1,2, 3, 4 A r

Concerning baking soda-sodium fluoride poisonings in San Francisco.

To the Editor: You have, no doubt, read of the recent deaths in San Francisco of some persons from accidental poisoning by sodium fluoride. These cases are more remarkable in that there is so little in our medical literature relating to their occurrence. Herzog Medical Jurisprudence mentions cases in not recent accidental and suicidal poisonings in New York and Chicago. We have, in my experience in the San Francisco coroner's office, had two deaths, suicidal, one by ant paste, a white pers

On the Physiological and Medicinal Action of Hydrofluoric Acid and the Fluorides.

EXCERPTS: General Summary. 1. On account of the corrosive action of these substances on glass vessels their use in ordinary therapeutics seems beset by many difficulties. But by attending to a few precautions these obstacles can be so minimized as to be practically overcome. 2. The topical action of strong hydrofluoric acid differs from that of the other concentrated mineral acids in being attended by more acute pain. If allowed to remain in contact with the skin for a considerable time,