
[Oral cavity as a target and a marker of environmental exposures: developmental dental defects]

This full article is available in French. The following is a Google translation: Summary The oral cavity is one of the major routes of environmental contamination known to be involved in many chronic pathologies (cancers, fertility and behavioral disorders) viafood, medication or even breathing. These environmental factors including, inter alia, endocrine disruptors and excess fluorine, can disturb dental development and thus generate irreversible defects in the enamel. These defects ar

Fluoride varnish and dental caries in preschoolers: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

References 1. Marinho V C C, Worthington H V, Walsh T, Clarkson J E. Fluoride varnishes for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2013; DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD002279.pub2. 2. Health and Social Care Information Centre. Children's Dental Health Survey: Executive Summary. 2015. Available at https://files.digital.nhs.uk/publicationimport/pub17xxx/pub17137/cdhs2013-executive-summary.pdf (accessed September 2019). 3. Public Health England. Oral health

Industrial Fluorosis of Farm Animals in England, Attributable to the Manufacture of Bricks, the Calcining of Ironstone, and to Enamelling Processes.

Front Page of Article IN the summer of 1938 one of us (F. B.) was called in by veterinary practitioners to advise on the possible causation of a "mysterious lameness of cattle" near Stewartby, in Bedfordshire. Clinical examination and proximity to a large concentration of brick kilns suggested " industrial fluorosis" of the type described early in the century by Bartolucci (1912), in association with a superphosphate factory in Italy, and this diagnosis was quickly confirmed by pathological and

Experimental rat model for acute tubular injury induced by high water hardness and high water fluoride: efficacy of primary preventive intervention by distilled water administration.

Excerpt & References Background Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is viewed as part of the rising worldwide non-communicable disease burden. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are the important risk factors for this disease in all developed and many developing countries [1]. In early nineties, there has been a rising incidence and prevalence of chronic renal failures that has emerged in the North Central region (NCR) of Sri Lanka where the disease is not associated with any known risk

Association Between Water Fluoridation and Income-Related Dental Caries of US Children and Adolescents.

This cohort study examines the incidence of dental caries in children and adolescents of varying income levels living in areas with vs without water fluoridation. By age 11 years, an American child living in poverty has twice the level of dental caries (tooth decay) as one living at 3 times the poverty threshold.1 To achieve the Healthy People 2020 overarching goal of health equity, interventions must preferentially prevent disease at the lower end of the income distribution.