
Intentional Toxic Ingestion of Sodium Fluoride: A Case Report.

Abstract Sodium fluoride is an accessible and frequently used compound that if ingested can cause ventricular dysrhythmias, hemorrhage, and death. We present a case report of a 21-year-old female who presented following an intentional ingestion of a lethal dose of sodium fluoride, developing massive hemorrhage and cardiac arrest. Keywords: sodium fluoride, toxic ingestion, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, dysrhythmia Introduction Sodium fluoride (NaF) is a colorless, odorless powde

Maternal Supplementation of Low Dose Fluoride Alleviates Adverse Perinatal Outcomes Following Exposure to Intrauterine Inflammation.

Excerpt The National Academy of Medicine (NAM), previously known as the Institute of Medicine, recommends a daily intake of 3 mg of fluoride for women aged 14 to 50. The NAM also notes that most research indicates that a daily intake of 10 mg for 10 or more years is necessary to produce clinical signs of mild skeletal fluorosis; thus, the upper intake limit is regarded as 10 mg/day29. The Food and Drug Administration has also stated that 10 mg/day is the upper intake limit29. While fluoride has