
Read the latest FAN-authored content on fluoride news and views.

A review of recently published papers on fluoride

First, my apologies to Science-Watch bulletin readers for the length of time that has transpired since the last bulletin. I have been working on a new science-based database on fluoride/health effects that we hope to post on the FAN website in the not-too-distant-future. It should prove to be an exciting addition to the current array […]

Allergy to Fluoride Toothpaste – New Report

The current issue of the journal Dermatology contains an case report which concludes that fluoridated toothpaste may be a cause of “Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis”, a condition more commonly known as “canker sores.”

A Review of the 2010 Fluoride Literature

Fluoride Compromises Brain Function Ding Y, Gao Y, Sun H, Han H, Wang W, Ji X, Liu X, Sun D. 2010. The relationships between low levels of urine fluoride on children’s intelligence, dental fluorosis in endemic fluorosis areas in Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.12.097. Liu YJ, Gao Q, Wu CX, Guan ZZ. 2010. Alterations of […]

Aluminum Industry & Fluoride “Science”

Manipulative techniques in defense of technology are limitless. The aluminum industry has refined an ancient one: the lie. The liar can patch up a balky technology faster than an engineer.

“Air Is Fluoridated”

Fluoride is an extremely toxic ion; near sources of fluoride air pollution, vegetation is destroyed, animals get sick and die, and people suffer eye irritation, respiratory problems, or more serious symptoms of fluoride poisoning. But fluoride can be dangerous even in very tiny amounts, because many plants and animals accumulate the ion in their tissues. Over several months or years, even the faintest measurable traces of fluoride can add up and cause harmful effects.

(Table): Most major developed countries do not fluoridate their water supplies

Country Population (millions) Percent of population drinking artificially fluoridated water Albania 3.1 0% Australia 16.1 66 Austria 7.6 0 Belgiuma 9.9 0 Bulgaria 9.0 0 Canada 25.9 50 Czechoslovakia 15.6 20 Denmark 5.1 0 East Germany 16.6 9 Finlandb 4.8 1.5 France 55.6 0 Greece 10.0 0 Hungary 10.6 0 Ireland 3.5 50 Italy 57.4 […]

(Table): Most of the Largest U.S. Cities Have Fluoridated Drinking Water

City Population (thousands) Fluoridation Status Date Instituted New York City 7263 Artificial 1965 Los Angeles 3259 None Chicago 3010 Artificial 1956 Houston 1729 Natural/artificial 1982 Philadelphia 1643 Artificial 1954 Detroit 1086 Artificial 1967 San Diego 1015 Discontinued 1954 1952 Dallas 1004 Artificial 1966 San Antonio 914 None Phoenix 894 None Baltimore 753 Artificial 1952 San […]