
Read the latest FAN-authored content on fluoride news and views.

A Video Update on Recent Local Victories and Ongoing Campaigns

Over the past several months there have been a number of victories for local campaigners and communities, as well as significant ongoing battles in major metro areas in North America.  Some of these battles will see votes in 2021 and it’s important our supporters be aware of them, as well hear about tactics our opponents are […]

A Gift For Our Supporters

When we agreed, on FAN’s behalf, to accept 212 copies of the late Anne-Lisa Gotzche’s book, we had no idea how much space they would occupy in our home. So in addition to raising money we have an extra personal incentive for getting these books into the hands of our supporters! The cost of this […]

A Preview of Saturday’s Bulletin from FAN

During the Fundraiser we have tried to restrict our bulletins to Monday-Thursday and Saturdays. However, we are making an exception today because we want to give you a heads up on this Saturday’s bulletin. It features a 36 minute video statement from our Science Director Chris Neurath. In this he provides an in-depth description  and analysis of […]

A Growing Chorus of Experts Warning About Fluoridation

Since the start of fluoridation in the 1950’s, many independent scientists have voiced their reservations about the safety of dosing everyone in a community with fluoride.  This early opposition culminated in an official statement from the US Environmental Protection Agencies employees’ union, representing approximately 1500 scientists, lawyers, and engineers in Washington, D.C. calling for a […]

A Recap Of Day Four Of the TSCA Trial

Day four of the trial started out with the EPA’s cross-examination of FAN’s last expert witness, Dr. Kathleen Thiessen.  This included a second failed attempt to have Dr. Thiessen’s testimony thrown out due to claims that she didn’t consider the potential benefits of fluoride in reducing dental decay.  Not only did she consider these factors, […]

A Recap Of Day Three Of the TSCA Trial

A Recap Of Day Three Day three of the trial was another exciting one, as FAN attorney Michael Connett continued to call our expert witnesses to the stand to reveal the truth about fluoridation’s neurotoxicity.  The day started with the completion of testimony from Dr. Howard Hu, which was followed by testimony from renowned clinical […]

“You only have to read four studies…”

The Fluoride Action Network has published the following press release.  Please share it by forwarding this email or sending the link to our online version to the news editors of the media outlets in your community, large and small (newspaper, radio, TV, online).  Feel free to also cut and paste the comments by Paul Connett and the listed studies into emails to local legislators, councilors, scientists at nearby […]

A Matter of Trust

Below veteran campaign organizer and the chairperson of FAN’s Advisory Committee, Rick North explains why he trusts and supports FAN and our work, and tomorrow we will feature the must-watch video of his presentation before Calgary council in October.  But, but first here’s an update on our fundraiser for our 2020 operating budget. Yesterday, we raised $5,580 from […]

Amanda’s Story

Proponents of fluoridation often claim that people harmed by the practice do not exist.  We know this isn’t true because the CDC admits dental fluorosis rates are between 41- 65% for adolescents in the U.S., and because we regularly hear from supporters whose lives have been turned upside down due to their hypersensitivity or adverse reactions […]

A Scientific Critique of the McLaren Study – Chris Neurath

This year, the Fluoride Action Network continued to lead the fight against the junk science used by proponents of fluoridation to mislead decision-makers.  We are fortunate to have a skillful team of scientific and public health experts who can quickly analyze and respond to new research, as well as an experienced outreach team to disseminate press releases, rebuttal videos, and educational […]