
Read the latest FAN-authored content on fluoride news and views.

A Doctor Speaks His Mind on Fluoridation

In this new 8-minute video from the October 29th public hearing in Calgary, Alberta (pop. 1.3 million), family practitioner and founder of Safe Water Calgary, Robert Dickson, MD, argues that fluoridating Calgary’s water supply is an unreasonable risk not worth taking.  He provides examples of alternative oral health strategies, discusses how the practice violates medical ethics, […]

A Fluoride Collector’s Item

We have an exciting special offer for our supporters. Over 200 copies of the late Anne-Lisa Gotzche’s book, The Fluoride Question, were donated to the Fluoride Action Network.  The book was published in 1975 and is no longer in print, making it a collector’s item for those in the fluoride-free movement.  It offers a look at the […]

20 Experts show Canadian CADTH review seriously flawed

July 2019 – Calgary, AB, Canada. This detailed report was submitted to the Calgary City Council, City of Calgary Community Services, the O’Brien Institute of Public Health (OIPH), and the Calgary city clerk for official record. Click on the image to view the full report.

A fascinating witness to fluoridation history

Today, I received an email containing a statement from a professional explaining his opposition to water fluoridation. But this wasn’t just another statement it was a fascinating piece of history. We print the email below, but first here is an update on our fundraiser. Yesterday, was another big day for us. We received almost $3000 from 19 […]

A Collectors’ Item Offer & Big Doubling Challenge

Mark Twain was reputed to have said words to the effect that,”History might not repeat itself but it sure does rhyme!” Since the fluoridation confidence trick started in the USA over 70 years, several generations of fluoridation fighters have had to fight the same myths, lies and half-truths, the same arrogance, the same ridicule, the […]

#GivingTuesday & A Journal Request Fluoride Research

#GivingTuesday Today–the Tuesday after Thanksgiving in the U.S.–is referred to as “Giving Tuesday,” and is a movement to create an international day of giving back by contributing to a charitable cause you find important. According to CDC stats, after 70 years of the number of communities adding fluoridation chemicals increasing, the number is now going […]


The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has created a new video series entitled “Fluoride Shorts” to provide the public and decision-makers with a basic understanding of fluoride, to dispel myths surrounding fluoridation, and answer common questions. The videos are short, engaging, science-focused, and meant to be shared far and wide. The first video in the series […]

Additional Information on New Zealand Supreme Court Ruling

Some of our readers were puzzled yesterday by FAN NZ broadcasting the Supreme Court verdict on fluoridation as a victory rather than a defeat. After all the Supreme court ruled against the plaintiffs (New Health New Zealand) in their efforts to prevent South Taranaki from fluoridating its water. Let me explain, in my view, this is a classic case […]