
Read the latest FAN-authored content on fluoride news and views.

The results of the first ever US government funded study of fluoride/IQ have now been published. A team of researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health found that low levels of fluoride exposure during pregnancy are linked to significantly reduced IQ in children, according to a study published on September 19, 2017 in the […]

A Report from New Zealand

Our latest totals: $90,352 from 300 donors. These totals suggest we have a real possibility of meeting our mini-goals of $100,000 from 500 donors by midnight Christmas Eve.  Because we are so close, one of our wonderfully generous super-angels has tweaked his reward system for when we reach our donor milestones. The new schedule: 300 donors […]

A New Video in preparation: “Michael Connett, Fluoride and the Brain”

Before we get to the new video here is a quick update on our fundraiser. Over the weekend we have made tremendous progress towards reaching our mini-goal of $100,000 from 500 donors by midnight Christmas Eve.  Our current total is $82,322 from 277 donors. All pledges are being doubled until we reach $84,322 and when we reach 300 donors […]

A Question For Our Supporters Worldwide

Fundraiser Update Our current totals stand at $30,166 from 153 donors. In these totals we have added in recurring donations: $6,745 from 21 people. A huge thank you to these recurring donors. Each month we are reminded of your dedicated support of our cause. What a difference monthly donations make. For example, $10 a month, […]

4 Ways You Can Take Action Immediately to End Fluoridation

A huge thanks to all who have donated so far. We have received $630 from 11 donors. To reach our goal, we need to raise $150,000 from 1000 donors by midnight December 31, 2016.  We need your help and support to continue our work as most of our funding each year comes from our individual supporters […]

2015 Hydrogen Fluoride Releases: Top 100 Polluters

The following data comes from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) for Hydrogen Fluoride releases. Hydrogen Fluoride is the dominant source for levels of fluoride entering the U.S. environment according to TRI. These releases pollute our bodies, air, water, and soil. It’s important to emphasize, especially at the community level, that not all industries or […]

2014 Hydrogen Fluoride Releases: Top 100 Polluters

The following data comes from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) for Hydrogen Fluoride releases. Hydrogen Fluoride is the dominant source for levels of fluoride entering the U.S. environment according to TRI. These releases pollute our bodies, air, water, and soil. It’s important to emphasize, especially at the community level, that not all industries or […]

2015 New York Law 1100-A – Fluoridation

PBH – Public Health Article 11 – PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES; SEWERAGE AND SEWAGE CONTROL Title 1 – (1100 – 1109) POTABLE WATERS 1100-A – Fluoridation. Universal Citation: NY Pub Health L § 1100-A (2015)   1100-a. Fluoridation. 1. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, rule, regulation or code, any county, city, town or village that […]

“The Hanukkah Miracle” (FAN exclusive)

Before we get to some exciting information from Israel here is an update on our fundraiser. Yesterday, we received 11 donations totaling $505. This figure was doubled using Dr. Mercola’s matching grant to give us a grand total of $39,978 from 218 supporters. We are very, very close to the $40,000 mark, which will trigger […]

“We are mad as hell and we are not going to take it any more!”

First a VICTORY to report. Yesterday we heard that citizens of Port Angeles, Washington have voted against fluoridation. This vote has come after a very long and difficult struggle which we will be discussing in a future bulletin. Now today’s fundraising bulletin. Yesterday we brought you the incisive letter that Peel region (with a population […]