
Read the latest FAN-authored content on fluoride news and views.

Another Big Victory in Ireland!

A number of communities in Canada are voting on fluoridation today!  If you live in one of these communities, please vote and urge your friends and neighbors to vote.  NOVEMBER 15 — CANADA Cranbrook, British Columbia Prince George, British Columbia Sparwood, British Columbia We will have a full breakdown of the Canadian and U.S. fluoridation voting […]

ALERT: Fluoridation on the Ballot

Dear Supporter. Fluoridation on the Ballot A number of communities in North America will be voting on fluoridation this Election Day, either November 4th in the U.S. or November 15 in Canada. If you live in one of these communities, please vote and urge your friends and neighbors to vote.  NOVEMBER 4 — US Boyne City, […]

2012 Hydrogen Fluoride Releases: Top 100 Polluters

The following data comes from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) for Hydrogen Fluoride releases. Hydrogen Fluoride is the dominant source for levels of fluoride entering the U.S. environment according to TRI. These releases pollute our bodies, air, water, and soil. It’s important to emphasize, especially at the community level, that not all industries or […]

2014 FAN Conference

Dear Supporter: It has been a long time in the making but FAN is ready to announce another national conference. This will be our fifth. We held three on the campus of St. Lawrence University and another in Missisaugua, Ontario in 2008. Since Ellen and I moved from Canton, NY this event has become more […]

21 States Targeted for Fluoridation by the CDC’s Oral Health Division

21 States Targeted for Fluoridation by the CDC’s Oral Health Division While you may currently live in a state that does not mandate fluoridation, and a community that does not practice fluoridation, it doesn’t mean that you’re safe from the threat of forced fluoridation. We have already described the lengths that the Pew Charitable Trusts will […]

America’s Dental Care Crisis

In the United States, low-income communities throughout the country are suffering from what many are calling an “oral health crisis.” Fluoridating water supplies is not a solution to this problem, as evident by the fact that oral health crises are occurring in virtually all urban areas — the vast majority of which have been fluoridated for decades. As is […]

10 Facts About Fluoride

Watch FAN’s New Video discussing these facts Download the Flyer! Fact #1: Most Developed Countries Do Not Fluoridate Their Water In the United States, health authorities call fluoridation “one of the top 10 public health achievements of the 20th century.” Few other countries share this view. In fact, more people drink artificially fluoridated water in […]

2008 Hydrogen Fluoride Releases: Top 100 Polluters

The following data comes from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) for Hydrogen Fluoride releases. Hydrogen Fluoride is the dominant source for levels of fluoride entering the U.S. environment according to TRI. These releases pollute our bodies, air, water, and soil. It’s important to emphasize, especially at the community level, that not all industries or […]

2011 Hydrogen Fluoride Releases: Top 100 Polluters

The following data comes from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) for Hydrogen Fluoride releases. Hydrogen Fluoride is the dominant source for levels of fluoride entering the U.S. environment according to TRI. These releases pollute our bodies, air, water, and soil. It’s important to emphasize, especially at the community level, that not all industries or […]