The Use of Fluorides in Public Health: 65 Years of History and Challenges from Brazil.

Abstract Untreated dental caries is the most common disease globally and fluoride use at the population level is crucial for its control. To investigate the economic and political conditions under which the trajectory of population-based fluoride use has occurred is key for a more comprehensive view on its current and future challenges. The objective was […]

External control of fluoridation in the public water supplies of Brazilian cities as a strategy against caries: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Background Among the methods currently available to provide fluoride in population levels, fluoridated water is the most successful for presenting high efficacy, safety and good cost–benefit. However, recent studies on external control have shown great variability of fluoride concentrations in the water from treatment stations in Brazilian cities, which must present concentration between 0.6 and […]

Hydrochemical and radiometric evaluation of fresh and thermal waters from Araxá city (Minas Gerais, Brazil)

Abstract This paper reports the hydrochemistry and activity concentration of the natural radionuclides 238U, 234U, and 210Po for three compartments of the hydrological/hydrogeological system in Araxá city, Minas Gerais State, Brazil: 1) mineral waters from the prominent springs Dona Beja (DBS) and Andrade Júnior (AJS), occurring at Barreiro area; 2) surface waters from Barreiro area […]

Human health risk assessment of metals and anions in surface water from a mineral coal region in Brazil

Abstract Coal mining releases high concentration elements to the environment, which can be deposited in surface water, causing several human health problems. Candiota mine in the south of Brazil is the largest coal reserves in the country, representing approximately 40% of total national coal reserves. Therefore, the present study aimed to estimate the chronic daily […]

Street-level implementers of population-based oral health policies: the case of water fluoridation supply in Brazil’s small towns

Abstract Background: Knowledge of conditions influencing the performance of street-level operators when implementing population-based policies could increase the understanding of local implementation dynamics. Objective: We analyzed how street-level operators claim to act to implement fluoridation policy in the water treatment units of small Brazilian municipalities and identified conditions shaping behavior against adherence to policy. Methods: […]

Socioeconomic inequalities explain the association between source of drinking water and dental caries in primary dentition

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the association between source of drinking water and dental caries at age 5 and to test whether socioeconomic conditions act as confounding factors in such association. Methods: The study was carried out in a sub-sample of the 2004 Pelotas Birth Cohort, which comprised the application of a questionnaire and clinical oral […]

Effects of fluoride emission on the morphoanatomy of three plant species endemics to Brazil using passive biomonitoring.

Abstract Fluoride is the most phytotoxic atmospheric pollutant. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of fluoride emissions by an aluminum smelter on three plant species endemics to Brazil, located at Parque Estadual do Itacolomi (PEI). The monitored species were Byrsonima variabilis (Malpighiaceae), Myrceugenia alpigena (Myrtaceae), and Eremanthus erythropappus (Asteraceae), which were […]

Municipality-Level Characteristics Associated with Very Low to Good Quality of Water Fluoridation in São Paulo State, Brazil, in 2015.

Introduction: Community water fluoridation (CWF) is a measure of recognized importance due to its effectiveness in preventing tooth decay at the population level. However, for the maximum benefit to be achieved, the high-quality standard of CWF must be maintained over time. Objective: To analyze the municipality-level characteristics associated with quality of water fluoridation in São […]

History of fluoridation policies as a strategy by the Brazilian Legislative Branch to fight dental caries, 1963 to 2019

[Article in Portuguese] Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze legislative proceedings on fluoridation policies in Brazil from 1963 to 2019. The theoretical reference was Pierre Bourdieu. A document search was performed on legislative proceedings that address the theme of fluoridation in Brazil as a public health measure and the discussions in the […]