Hyundai to use Samsung sludge to make steel

Workers pose for a photo with recycled material from semiconductor wastewater sludge. (Yonhap) Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Steel announced Monday that they had developed a new wastewater recycling technology that would allow sludge from the chip manufacturing process to be reused for steelmaking. Their joint research found that calcium fluoride in the sludge was similar […]

Fluoride will be added to drinking water in the United Kingdom to address a “major” public health issue.

Note from Fluoride Action Network: • Sept 27, 2021: Press Release on response from three British scientists • August 27, 2021: Letter to Right Honourable Boris Johnson on water fluoridation from 3 scientists. • August 4, 2021: UK Government Pushing Mandatory Fluoridation • 1991-present: U.K. Government reports Fluoride will be added to drinking water in […]

Fluoride to be added to UK tap water to beat tooth decay

Note from Fluoride Action Network: The author has taken her information on the potential for fluoride’s adverse effects from the promoters of fluoridation. Sadly, the author, much like the promoters, didn’t attempt to understand the well-known risks to fluoride: neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption and bone and kidney effects. FLUORIDE may be added to UK drinking water […]

Sixty seconds on . . . water fluoridation

Dear Editor I don’t understand how fluoridation could be deemed a success when evidence out of the US shows it has failed to achieve its objective – to prevent tooth decay, save money, close the disparity gap, put dentists out of business and keep Americans out of the hospital for dental conditions with only 10% […]

Only two water systems in Pennsylvania receive a 2020 fluoridation award from CDC

LEWISTOWN — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has selected the Municipal Authority of the Borough of Lewistown as one of only two water systems in Pennsylvania to receive the 2020 Water Quality Award. This CDC award recognizes public water systems that adjust the fluoride concentration in drinking water and have achieved an average […]

Independent report. Statement on water fluoridation from the UK Chief Medical Officers

Contents Introduction – the impact of dental decay Role of fluoride in improving dental health Impact of water fluoridation in areas of deprivation Conclusion Further information Introduction – the impact of dental decay Tooth decay is a significant, yet largely preventable, public health problem in the UK that causes substantial work for the NHS. It […]

Fluoride will be added to UK drinking water to cut tooth decay

Note from Fluoride Action Network: See also • Sept 27, 2021: Press Release on response from three British scientists • August 27, 2021: Letter to Right Honourable Boris Johnson on water fluoridation from 3 scientists. • August 4, 2021: UK Government Pushing Mandatory Fluoridation • 1991-present: U.K. Government reports Chief medical officers cite estimates that […]

Fluoridation is about a lot more than teeth by Bill Osmunson, DDS, MPH

I’m a dentist and I oppose water fluoridation. I’m hardly alone. I know many dentists who feel the same but are reluctant to speak out for fear of criticism and controversy. For many years, I supported fluoridation. Like nearly all dentists, I heard mostly good things about it in dental school and the American Dental […]