NZ. Letter. A bitter pill. By Mary Byrne

The Government’s latest move on the fluoridation bill to shift decision making solely to the director-general of health proves its intention of mandatory fluoridation. The Commission of inquiry (in 1956) said it was important that the decision be made locally, with local input The mayor of Whangarei recently agreed. So has the National Party. To […]

NZ: Letter. Ignorant or timid? By Connett and Howard

Any scientist or educator who has followed the science of fluoride’s toxicity, especially its potential to damage the developing brain must be stunned to hear that the New Zealand government is set to introduce mandatory water fluoridation into the whole country. Either New Zealand scientists and educators have not kept up with the science or […]

NZ: Letter. Fluoride or sugar? By Carl Mather.

Dr Roger Tuck (Letters, March 25) is adamant that fluoride is the answer to tooth decay, as it “is one of the most effective public health measures of all time, and has the potential to cut the devastating amount of tooth decay seen in our children”. Surely reducing/eliminating the quantity of sugars, both simple and […]

NZ: Science turning against fluoridation by Ross Forbes

Retired paediatrician Roger Tuck (Irresponsible stance, letters March 25) is well out of touch with growing medical science on how ingested fluoride affects the whole of the human body, not just teeth. He also appears to be unaware that fluoride works best on the surface of teeth, not by pushing it into the bloodstream. Even […]

Top CSR Projects in Rajasthan

Rajasthan is known for its beautiful palaces, unique culture and topography, and cuisine. Economically, it is an important state in the country as it houses 90 per cent of the country’s total mineral reserves. Economic opportunity and poverty go hand in hand in the state of Rajasthan making it an attractive destination for CSR. Let […]

East Brunswick council discusses removing fluoride from water; meeting scheduled for May

“This has been kicked around for over six years in and out of the purview of discussions at the council meetings. So I think it’s very important that we make some decisions regarding this, and stop kicking this down the road,” Spadafino said. “First of all … fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, especially baby teeth and […]

NZ: Political Bombshell! Judith faces policy coup

Boom. This is bad… National MPs vote against Judith Collins, Shane Reti on fluoride policy in rare move for caucus Newshub can reveal yet more discord in the National Party, this time over fluoridation – in an extremely rare move, MPs voted down the leadership on a key health policy.  The Government has proposed making […]

NZ: National MPs agree on ‘compromise’ on water fluoridation which could see them support Government’s centralisation push

National deputy leader Shane Reti says his party could support the Government’s move to centralise the control of water fluoridation, if local DHBs still get consulted on the decision. He said this position was reached as a compromise in caucus after the Government announced its intention to give all power over fluoridation decisions to director […]

NZ: The Detail: Fluoridation of water— the 50-year-old debate we are still having

The debate over the fluoridation of water in New Zealand is as old as … well, the ability to add fluoride to water. Fluoridation first began in Hastings in 1954, and became more widespread throughout the 1960s. But, more than 50 years on, half the country still drinks non-fluoridated water. Part of the reason for […]