Sulfuryl Fluoride: Reasoned Opinion.

Note from Fluoride Action Network The brain is the main target of Sulfuryl fluoride. Structural Formula: Excerpts: Review of the existing maximum residue levels for sulfuryl fluoride according to Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 Abstract According to Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, EFSA has reviewed the maximum residue levels (MRLs) currently […]

Strathmore left out of Calgary fluoride debate

Despite receiving its water from Calgary through a regional system, Strathmore has been left out of discussions about reintroducing fluoride to the city’s potable water. In 2011, Calgary water fluoridation was discontinued. But in 2019, the City of Calgary started discussions about adding fluoride to the city’s water supply once again. A report to Calgary […]

Teton County: What’s in your water? There’s a map for that

Teton Conservation District has created drinking water quality maps for nine parameters… Excerpt from the report: Page 6: Fluoride concentrations were available at 305 sampling locations and ranged from 0 to 20.2 mg/L, with the average of all values being 1.19 mg/L. The majority of the locations, however, had internal site average concentrations ranging from […]

Spokane. It’s not safe for everyone (letter)

As stated in Safe Water Spokane’s op-ed opposing fluoride (“Taking a principled stance on water fluoridation,” Jan. 8), about 1% of the population has hypersensitivity to fluoride. I happen to be one of those people. I don’t have to swallow fluoride in order to have a reaction to it. When I used to get a […]

The oral health status of America’s rural children: An opportunity for policy change

Abstract Objectives: The purpose of our study was to examine the association between rurality and select oral health care metrics: teeth condition, decay, and access measures such as preventive dental care among children in the United States. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study with a sample of 20,842 respondents from the 2017 to 2018 National […]

Rutland. Crowther: Ending fluoridation

As reported by National Pubic Radio, the Biden administration plans to revisit “a long list of science-related Trump administration actions.” These are said to include all policies that are “’harmful to public health, damaging to the environment, unsupported by the best available science or otherwise not in the national interest,’” to quote NPR quoting Biden. […]

It Is Time for New Hampshire To Stop Adding Fluoride to Public Drinking Water

Municipal water fluoridation is a form of forced medicating by majority rule. If 51% of a community votes in favor of water fluoridation, the minority who don’t want fluoridated water have any choice but to purchase expensive filtration systems to remove fluoride, travel to collect spring water, or purchase unfluoridated bottled water. We want to […]

The Best Baby Toothpaste to Shine Up Those Sweet Smiles

Note from Fluoride Action Network: We add this article to our series on ‘toothpastes’ for historical reasons only. The article states, “The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), along with the ADA, recommends that parents begin using a toothpaste with fluoride as soon as the first tooth appears… Just remember to use a rice grain-sized amount […]

Fluoride Free NZ accepts Health Minister’s call for fluoridation debate

Anti-fluoridation organisation Fluoride Free NZ has heeded Health Minister Andrew Little’s call for “a good public debate” on the possible fluoridation of public water supplies, saying it is well past time the public got to hear the “true science” on the issue. In an open letter to Little, Fluoride Free NZ says as “New Zealand’s […]

Council members split on Government plan to move water fluoridation decisions to DHBs

Dentists say the proliferation of “natural” toothpaste, aka fluoride-free, will usher in epidemic of dental decay. (Video first published in October 2018) There are fears a Government move to make district health boards, rather than councils, responsible for water fluoridation decisions will take the decision away from the community. Health Minister Andrew Little said the […]