Osage receives ‘Water Fluoridation Quality Award’ from IDPH

The Iowa Department of Public Health has awarded 108 water systems in Iowa the ‘Water Fluoridation Quality Award’. One of which is Osage. Additionally, Osage was awarded the 50 Year Award for distributing continuous community water fluoridation for the last 50 years. According to Casey Hannan of the CDC Division of Oral Health: “Water fluoridation […]

Missouri town averts rollback of fluoridation with help from early notification law

Law in place in Tennessee, Alabama, Texas, New York, Missouri Park Hills, Mo. — Missouri is only one of five states that has enacted an early notification law, and it came in handy when the community of Park Hills in the southeast part of the Show-Me State came close to having its community water fluoridation […]

Recycling of Spent Pot Lining First Cut from Aluminum Smelters by Utilizing the Two-Step Decomposition Characteristics of Dolomite

Abstract Spent Pot Lining First Cut (shortened to SPL-1cut) is a solid waste discharged from a primary aluminum electrolytic production process. SPL-1cut is classified as hazardous waste in China because it contains large amounts of soluble sodium fluoride and a tiny amount of cyanide. Most of SPL-1cut is carbon-about 65%-and its calorific value is 22.587 […]

Several Communities Receive 2019 Water Fluoridation Awards.

Several communities in the Raccoon Valley Radio-listening area have been awarded Water Fluoridation Quality Awards from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Iowa Department of Public Health announced the water systems receiving the award Thursday, including the cities of Casey, Dexter, Perry, Scranton, Guthrie Center, Greenfield, and Jefferson. Community fluoridation has been […]

No promising antidote 25 years after the Tokyo subway sarin attack: A review.

Note from FAN: The molecular structure of Sarin: Highlights This year marks 25 years since the Tokyo subway sarin attack. 2-PAM is the most widely used antidote in hospitals despite poor BBB permeability. We are trying to develop a reactivator that can easily cross the BBB. There are still no promising oximes that are safe, […]

Alcore proves economics

PERTH (miningweekly.com) – An economic assessment of ASX-listed Australian Bauxite’s planned Alcore processing plant, has shown that it would land in the lowest cost quartile of global aluminium fluoride production. Australia’s aluminium smelters are currently entirely reliant on imported aluminium fluoride, with more than 26 000 t imported from China alone over the past 12 […]

Canada: Amherst to vote against fluoride proposal

Amherst Town Hall   AMHERST – It appears as though Amherst is going to follow the wishes of its voters and keep fluoride out of the town’s water supply When voters cast ballots electronically in October’s municipal election they were asked if they wanted Amherst to add fluoride to its municipal water system. The plebiscite […]

Fluoride in Drinking Water – Is it Dangerous?

Fluoride in Drinking Water – Is it Dangerous? Many cities add fluoride to drinking water. Fluoride is added to municipal water to prevent tooth decay, primarily in young adults. The practice is quite controversial with dentists suggesting it’s a great idea while others want it out. You can remove fluoride from water using either a […]

Dental Schemes Delivering Dramatic Results And Bringing Healthy Smiles Back To Eastern Bay Students

Dental pain isn’t just a health issue for young Eastern Bay students, says one high school principal, it affects their education and their futures. Addressing that issue is just one of the motivating factors behind some innovative dental health schemes launched at schools across the region. The work is yielding impressive results. Murupara Area School […]

Odisha: Mega Drinking Water Project A Non-Starter In Balasore

Balasore: The mega drinking water project in Bhogarai block of Balasore district has allegedly failed to serve its sole purpose, thanks to the alleged snail pace work. Due to the presence of Fluoride in the ground water, as the region is situated along the sea, the water is unfit for drinking. With an aim to […]