Yay or nay? Voters in Amherst weighing in on fluoride

Note from Fluoride Action Network, The rates of fluoridation by province are listed in the following article. According to Dr. Robert Dickson of Alberta, the rates listed are incorrect. Dr. Dickson notes, “My province Alberta is less than 40 % fluoridated, as Calgary, our largest city, stopped this antiquated and dangerous practice in 2011. And […]

Crippled by lake’s fluoride waters, Kenyan women struggle to survive

Several thousand villagers have developed a painful bone-weakening disease, with women worst affected, officials say LAKE BARINGO, Kenya, Oct 16 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – F or 50 years, Ester Yokoi has been drinking water from Kenya’s Lake Baringo, and for 50 years it has been poisoning her. Yokoi is one of several thousand villagers to […]

Fluoride in Drinking Water FAQ by Food & Water Watch.

Food and Water Action 1616 P Street, NW, Suite 300 Washington DC 20036 foodandwateraction.org *Original in pdf Fluoride in Drinking Water FAQ October 2020 1. What is community water fluoridation (CWF)? Community water fluoridation refers to the process of artificially adding fluoride (typically silicofluorides) to a community water system to prevent dental caries (tooth decay) […]

Fluoride’s danger to brain development is even worse than the NTP has acknowledged according to Fluoride Action Network

NTP review shows fluoridation a hazard to children’s brain development NEW YORK CITY, NY, US, October 15, 2020 /EINPresswire.com/ — The National Toxicology Program (NTP) has concluded in a major review that fluoride “is presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans.” The NTP is the toxicology research division of the National Institute of […]

EPA Approves Use of Phosphogypsum in Road Construction

Note from Fluoride Action, A new source of exposure to highly toxic substances, especially to roadwork crews. “Phosphogypsum contains, next to naturally occurring radionuclides, some trace elements such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, fluoride, zinc, antimony, copper (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1990), which may be leached.” From: Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Construction, 2017 WASHINGTON […]

Crawford County to vote on whether to add fluoride in drinking water this November

Mark Wyzalek with Macon Water Authority says around 95% of water systems in Georgia have fluoridated water CRAWFORD COUNTY, Ga. — Fluoride started being fed into water as early as the late 1940s and early 1950s and became more common in the 1960s and 70s. But now, Crawford County voters will decide this November if […]

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)

“The ADA [American Dental Association] sponsored the bill to create the National Institute of Dental Research (NIDR)]… This institute would become credited with motivating 17 countries to fluoridate their water, for training hundreds of foreign dental scientists, and for funding research in 7 foreign countries. The New York Times described the first two NIDR directors […]

EPA hired consultants to counter staff experts on fluoride

At a trial over fluoride regulations this summer, EPA eschewed its own experts, hiring an outside company often deployed by corporations to deny and downplay chemicals’ health impacts. Exponent Inc. — founded in the 1960s to defend automobile manufacturers in accident lawsuits — has since been busy questioning whether smoking causes lung cancer, whether Agent […]

Haryana govt launches mobile water testing labs

New Delhi, Oct 12 (PTI) The Haryana government has launched a mobile water testing laboratory van, fully equipped with a multi-parameter system containing analysers, sensor, probes and instruments meant for assessing water quality, the Jal Shakti Ministry said on Monday. Water quality in Haryana is mainly affected by constituents like total dissolved solids (TDS), fluoride, […]

Fluoride Is Neurotoxic At Low Levels Says Top US Government Science Program’s Review

“Fluoride is presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans” according to the second draft report of the US National Toxicology Programme (NTP), that has just been released. The National Toxicology Program (NTP) is an inter-agency program run by the United States Department of Health and Human Services to coordinate, evaluate, and report on […]