Group urges safer chemical for refinery

A report released by an environmental group criticizes Clark Oil’s use of hydrofluoric acid at the company’s Blue Island refinery. The reports says a safer alternative is available. The report, compiled by California-based National Oil Refinery Action Network and issued last week, suggests that the 50-year-old plant could replace hydrofluoric acid with sulfuric acid as […]

Scientists Urge Governor Whitman to Take Action to Fluoridate all New Jersey Water Supply

New York, NY, April 9, 1997 — Scientists and physicians from the American Council on Science and Health have urged New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman to vigorously promote community water fluoridation in New Jersey. “Fluoridation remains the safest, most effective, and most economic public-health measure to prevent tooth decay and to improve oral health […]

Gypsum finds ecological concerns stacked against it

Anybody who’s lived in the Bay Area for any amount of time need not look at the numbers provided by the Florida Phosphate Council to understand how important the industry is to Central Florida. Last year alone, according to the Florida Phosphate Council, 33.8 million metric tons of phosphate rock were extracted from 6,355 acres […]

Colgate pay-out stirs up fluoride row

FRESH calls to end fluoridation of water are to be put to the Government by a group of MPs led by Sir Ivan Lawrence, the Conservative member for Burton-on-Trent. Their action follows a decision reported yesterday, by the toothpaste manufacturer Colgate-Palmolive to make a “goodwill” payment of £1,000 to a 10-year-old Essex boy suffering from […]

Colgate pays out for teeth ruined by fluoride

A leading toothpaste manufacturer has paid £1,000 to s child whose teeth appear to have been damaged by fluoride. In what is to believe is the first such case, Colgate-Palmolive made a “goodwill” payment after an independent specialist diagnosed the boy as suffering from a condition lined with fluoride. At the time, The Sunday Telegraph […]

Russians Who Give A Damn

Excerpt: A cloud of dark metallic smoke filled the summer sky as Andrei Kozlovich talked to a compressor operator in an aluminium factory in Nadvoitsy, near the Finnish border. “To sue the factory we need a complainant,” Kozlovich shouted to Lyudmila Kuzina over the din of the machinery. “I want that person to be you.” […]

Fluoridation: A Triumph of Science Over Propaganda

Community water fluoridation (herein called simply “fluoridation”) is the precise adjustment of the concentration of the essential trace element fluoride in the public water supply to protect teeth and bones. In 1945 Grand Rapids, Michigan, became the first city in the world to fluoridate its public water supply. Since then, communities throughout the United States […]

Feds Probe Steel Plants

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the FBI are investigating possible criminal violations of pollution regulations at three local Allegheny Ludlum Corp. plants and facilities in Connecticut and Indiana. The grand jury investigation, which began last fall, involves allegations that the company failed to report violations of the Clean Water Act or filed incomplete and […]

Giunchigliani pushes fluoridation

CARSON CITY — Since 1989, the Governor’s Maternal and Child Health Advisory Board has pushed the idea that Nevada’s water supplies be fluoridated to prevent tooth decay, especially in children. Now the board has an ally in Assemblywoman Chris Giunchigliani, D-Las Vegas, who will sponsor a bill in the 1997 Legislature requiring fluoridation in all […]

Huge Tanks of Nuclear Waste Rusting Away

PIKETON, Ohio – Federal officials are scratching their heads over 46,000 rusting steel cylinders containing depleted uranium that are stored here and at two other large nuclear installations. The cylinders, containing more than 1.1 billion pounds of uranium hexafluoride used to make atomic fuel, have been accumulating for nearly half a century at the Portsmouth […]