ASTDD Roundup for January and February 2023

ASTDD Roundup for January and February 2023 Selected Consultant, Committee, Project and Meeting Summaries By Bev Isman, RDH, MPH, ELS Excerpts: Communications Committee (CC) … Matt Jacob and John Welby conducted an interactive workshop on Foundational Strategies for Effective Communication for dental public health residents at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR). […]

Current Research on Fluoride Toxicity: 70+ Scientific Studies

This is a current list of every study we’ve found on the safety and efficacy of hydroxyapatite toothpaste. We created this to be a resource for the functional dentist community, so feel free to bookmark it, share it widely with your patients, and email us if you have a study to add. Thank you to Jacqueline […]

Hydrofluoric acid spills into DeSoto County creek after fire

A chemical spill was reported in DeSoto County Saturday. Crews worked through the night to clean up the affected areas. The DeSoto County Government provided an update on Sunday. They stated that action has been taken to neutralize PH levels of the creek water and it has returned to normal parameters. The CDC says hydrofluoric acid is created […]

The Deadly Toxin Lurking In Your Water

Years of peer-reviewed studies on the dangers of human exposure to fluoride should be enough to prove it isn’t a conspiracy. Activist and investigative journalist, Derrick Broze, describes the nearly decade long legal battle between multiple watchdog groups and the EPA to release the National Toxicology Program’s review that could blow the lid off serious […]

Fluoride to be taken out of Boston-area water temporarily

BOSTON – Fluoride is being temporarily taken out of the water supply for several communities in the Boston area and MetroWest. The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority says parts of the pipeline and other equipment at the Carroll Water Treatment Plant need to be replaced. “This planned and temporary shutdown will allow for the maintenance of […]

If peatland burns, water bodies and drinking water can suffer

Not only forests and dry pastures can burn, fires can also start in peatlands. However, due to the soil moisture and lacking oxygen in the soil, the land does not burn ablaze, but smoulders. These smouldering fires can release considerable greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, because peatland soils store much more carbon than other soils […]

Fluoride Added to Drinking Water Contributes to Rising Rates of ADHD, Lower IQs in Kids

Fluoride is a developmental neurotoxin that affects short-term and working memory and contributes to rising rates of attention-deficit hyperactive disorder and lower IQs in children, yet many U.S. water systems still add it to drinking water. More than 400 animal and human studies show fluoride is a neurotoxic substance, and many have found harm at, […]

Fluoride-the-Destroyer: See the Dark Side

I wanted to believe in the incredibleness of fluoride.  I trusted the industry leaders when they said how awesome fluoride was for preventing tooth decay.  “They” never ever mentioned its very sinister and dark side effects. From the beginning of dental hygiene school, I learned all about how “wonderful” fluoride was for dental health.  How […]

Fluoride Lawsuit: Censored Review on Fluoride’s Toxicity Will Soon Be Made Public

Attorneys with the Fluoride Action Network and the U.S. government have agreed to the release of a censored report on the toxicity of fluoride, the latest development in the ongoing Fluoride lawsuit. After numerous delays, and intervention by Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine, the U.S. National Toxicology Program’s review of Fluoride’s toxicity will soon be […]

Water supplier suspends fluoride during work

BOSTON — The region’s largest water supplier will stop putting fluoride into its drinking water for several months while it upgrades the treatment system. The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority announced Monday that use of the chemical additives will be suspended for three months, beginning in March, while equipment is upgraded at its Marlborough treatment facility. […]