Mexico’s futuristic Nightmare

Excerpt – MATAMOROS, Mexico… There are reasons that political anger boiled up in Matamoros. It’s a maquiladora city, one of a string of Mexican border towns that offers cheap labor and lax environmental and working standards to an estimated 2,000 factories, mostly American, Canadian and Asian, in a largely tax-free zone. Under the North American […]

EPA Ordered to Reinstate Whistleblower

The Environmental Protection Agency has been ordered to reinstate a senior scientist and pay him $ 50,000 for emotional distress after he was fired allegedly for whistleblowing activities, his lawyer said Tuesday. The decision, involving William Marcus, a senior toxicologist in the EPA’s Office of Drinking Water, was made by a Labor Department administrative law […]

Fluoride linked to bone cancer

A New Jersey Department of Health study says there may be a link between drinking fluoridated water and increased incidence of bone cancer in young men. The state Health Department says the results are not strong enough to stop fluoridation of drinking water — the key ingredient in preventing dental cavities in children. But a […]

Rat Studies Link Brain Cell Damage With Aluminum and Fluoride in Water

ANAHEIM, Calif. – A team of New York scientists said rat studies offer preliminary evidence that aluminum, when administered in drinking water, may be linked with behavior changes and damaged brain cells. The study, presented at the meeting here of the Society for Neuroscience, is the latest of several studies hinting at some link between […]

Alaska’s Fluoridation Accidents: 1984-1992

WHERE THE WATER TURNED DEADLY FLUORIDE SYSTEM WASN’T THE ONLY THING TO FAIL IN HOOPER BAY Anchorage Daily News David Hulen September 22, 1992 Let’s say that you were very thirsty and wanted to drink a glass of water and the owner of the household wanted for you to help yourself. As you take their […]

Is Science Censored?

“Publicity … would certainly follow,” fretted the editor of one top journal. “A possible general panic,” predicted a researcher. Both were explaining why a study linking childhood leukemia to fluorescent lights should not be published. That fear trumped the conclusion of other reviewers-scientists who evaluate whether a manuscript should be published in a journal-who called […]

Aluminium phosphate for the defluorination of potable water

Abstract In this paper, a new method for the defluoration of potable water is described. In the proposed method, aluminium phosphate is used as a matrix of the stationary phase which can adsorb fluorides or exchange with fluorides selectively and reduce the concentration of fluorides in natural water to an allowable level. We have repeated […]

Profits of Doom on the Border of Blight

THE 1,250-mile stretch of border between Mexico and the US is a lawless area in a way the old Wild West never was. It reeks of lawlessness, literally stinks of it. Institutionalised lawlessness. In the town of Matamoros, across the Rio Grande from Texas, the earth and the water supply, from which comes all the […]

Border Town Mystery: Why are so many Brownsville babies being born brainless?

Brownsville, Texas – On a hairpin bend of the Rio Grande, where the south wind from Mexico carries the sweet smell of freshly cut sorghum and the stench of chemicals, something terrible befell Janet Ramirez. The child she had prayed for, her first, was born dead with a tangled mass of nerve endings instead of […]

A ‘Toxic Tour of Texas’

Rita Carlson often referred to herself as just a Texas City housewife, but that was only part of who she was. Before Carlson and her family moved to rural Illinois in April 1990, she also was the first president of Texas POWER, People Organized to Win Environmental Rights, a statewide coalition of grass-roots environmental groups, […]