Melbourne mayoral candidates disagree over fluoridation of drinking water supply

Melbourne’s mayoral race could help determine whether fluoride remains in the drinking water supply for about 170,000 people across southern Brevard County. Last November, the Melbourne City Council voted 4-3 to continue fluoridating its water supply, which serves about 58,000 households and businesses across roughly 100 square miles. This November, Melbourne voters will choose a new mayor […]

Spokane. Council votes on fluoride.

The Spokane City Council stopped short of ordering the city to add fluoride to its water on Monday, but accepted a grant that sets the city on the path toward fluoridation. The council indefinitely deferred a vote on an emergency ordinance that would require the city supplement its water supply with fluoride. Later Monday, it […]

Spokane City Council motions to defer vote on fluoride ordinance

SPOKANE, Wash. — The vote on whether or not to fluoridate Spokane’s water could be delayed. The Spokane City Council will consider a motion to defer the vote on the proposed fluoride ordinance during its 3:30 p.m. briefing session Monday. The vote is scheduled for 6 p.m. “I expect that it will be removed from […]

Spokane. Sign-up between 3 – 5:30 pm today to speak at tonight’s meeting

Spokane City Council Virtual Testimony on the issue to start fluoridation in Spokane. Due to the continued impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, City Council will continue to hold its 6 p.m. legislative sessions on Mondays virtually and provide the availability for public testimony remotely. Instructions on how to participate in the September 14, 2020, meeting are […]

Proposed deal cuts average US utility quota of Russian uranium to 17% from 20%

Highlights Quota between 20%-24% to 2027 for new contracts Quota drops to 15% in 2028 US nuclear utilities will support amendment US uranium producers call for uranium reserve Washington — The US Department of Commerce and Russian-state owned nuclear company Rosatom have signed a proposal to extend an agreement limiting US imports of Russian uranium […]

Spokane. Look at the facts, not opinions (Letter)

Shawn Vestal’s column supporting water fluoridation (“Fluoride levels playing field,” Sept. 6) [the headline was changed to “Time to let the wisest voices, not the loudest, guide us on fluoride”] included numerous claims from Mark Wiener, a public relations consultant who led the unsuccessful effort to fluoridate Portland in 2013. He “vividly” remembered it. Both […]

In decision on fluoride and public health in Spokane, money is front and center

The Spokane City Council is considering whether to supplement the city’s water with fluoride. (Christopher Anderson) As the Spokane City Council nears a historic vote to supplement the city’s water supply with fluoride, the terms of a grant that would help pay for it are still under negotiation and drawing scrutiny. The Arcora Foundation has […]

Spokane City Council To Take Up Water Fluoridation Proposal Monday Evening

An emergency water fluoridation ordinance will go before the Spokane City Council Monday evening. The Spokane City Council is scheduled to vote this evening [Monday] on a proposed emergency ordinance to inject fluoride into the city’s drinking water. The issue has reignited old debates about the public health benefits of fluoridation versus its perceived harmful […]

Spokane. Forum’s Take-Away on Fluoridation: It’s Harmful.

PRESS RELEASE. “If anyone is fully aware of the massive scientific and medical evidence against fluoridation – if they actually hear both sides of the issue – they’d know it isn’t safe.” That was the conclusion of Jeff Irish, chair of the citizen group Safe Water Spokane, following its Zoom public forum last night.  It […]