Moon praises response to Japan’s export controls

South Korean President Moon Jae-in says his country has successfully responded to tightened export controls imposed by Japan on key high-tech materials nearly one year ago. Japan announced the measures on three materials essential to produce semiconductors on July 1 last year. They were high-purity hydrogen fluoride, fluorinated polyimide and resists. Moon said on Monday […]

Experts call for easing Japan’s export curbs on Korea

Experts said Monday the current trade restrictions imposed by Japan on South Korea should be alleviated as strengthened cooperation in material, parts and equipment will lead to greater economic value. Speaking at a seminar hosted by the Federation of Korean Industries, they noted that closer cooperation between both countries could generate added value worth $123 […]

Park Hills discusses water fluoridation, fire district, code enforcement

Park Hills City Council members held a work session Tuesday in which they approved maintenance to city water tanks, heard about water fluoridation from representatives of the local dental practice Upward Smiles, and discussed several other matters. The session began with a delegation from Upward Smiles speaking to the council about the benefits of adding […]

New kid’s toothpaste controls the release of fluoride for up to 12 hours after brushing

A new toothpaste for children aged three to six, which actively strengthens and protects teeth while it cleans them, has been launched in the UK and Europe. Developed by BioMin technologies, the toothpaste— BioMin® F for Kids—is being released in two flavours and contains a ‘smart effect’ that means it is especially effective when children consume acidic […]

With judo move, Korea flips script on 3 key materials saga

Korea’s technology industry went on high alert after Japan placed export restrictions on essential materials for the semiconductor and display production on July 4, 2019. Last year’s trade spat had its roots in political and historical tensions between the neighboring nations. Japan accused Korea of lax export controls, while the Korean government said Japan’s restrictions […]

7 Cruelty-Free Toothpaste Brands

Whether you’re a new vegan looking to switch your toothpaste or literally anyone looking for a healthier and safer product, here’s a roundup of some go-to vegan and vegan-friendly brands to try. Davids Founded with a commitment to the sustainability of nature, the nation, and health, Davids’ line of toothpaste is made with naturally-sourced ingredients—fully […]

Titchener welcomes US fluoride decision

Waipa Anti-fluoride campaigner Kane Titchener is hailing a court ruling in the United States. The San Francisco Federal Court has ordered the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take a second look at a petition to require the EPA to complete a proper risk assessment of fluoride, which it has failed to do. Mr Titchener, […]

Water fluoridation poll expected at 2021 Port Macquarie-Hastings Council election

A water fluoridation poll is anticipated to go ahead at the 2021 council election. The matter will be discussed with councillors and direction will be taken about whether to return to the council with a report updating the position. Port Macquarie-Hastings Council had planned to ask voters about fluoridation in a poll as part of […]

New video will promote silver diamine fluoride to children

A team at the University of Sheffield dental school led by Academic Clinical Fellow Laura Timms (pictured) is preparing to make an information video aimed at children aged 3-10. The topic of the video is silver diamine fluoride (SDF), a technique that helps arrest dental decay. Laura has just won a grant of £5,460 awarded […]

Fluoride activists push city on report, saying COVID-19 is hampering dental health

Calgary dentists and fluoride activists are calling on city officials to expedite the release of a cost analysis report on water fluoridation delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The issue of reintroducing fluoride to Calgary water has been made even more urgent because the pandemic has kept many from receiving routine dental care, according to Alberta […]