Fluoridated water case is going to federal court

As some Cape Ann residents and local Conservation Commissions continue to push for the removal of fluoride in drinking water, a California court is expected to rule on the issue. A fluoridated water case, originally filed in 2017, is slated for an eight-day hearing in federal court in Berkeley, California, starting April 20. In 2016, the Food & Water […]

Plans to tackle dental problems in Sunderland

Last year, Sunderland City Council’s Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee launched an investigation into oral health. From August, councillors have been gathering evidence from a range of health experts, stakeholders and interested parties. This included feedback on potentially introducing fluoride into the city’s water supply, which would be subject to public consultation and a lengthy […]

Groundwater quality evaluation for different uses in the lower Ketar Watershed, Ethiopia.

Abstract Groundwater quality samples from 33 wells were collected in the lower Ketar watershed (Ethiopia) to study its suitability for domestic and irrigation purposes. Samples were evaluated for major ions and physicochemical properties. In 58% of the samples analyzed, Ca2+ is the dominant cation and Na+ dominates the remaining 42% of the samples. Among the […]

Montrose Borough and Bridgewater Township to end fluoridation

Excerpt: Bridgewater Township held its annual reorganization meeting Monday, Jan. 6, with new supervisor Russell Breeze coming on board, before the first monthly meeting of 2020. … A letter was received from the Pennsylvania America Water Company to ask for the township approval of their discontinuation of the policy of adding fluoride to the drinking […]

Water supplier for township in York County starts process to drop fluoride

Fluoride has long been regarded as one of the best ways to fight cavities. More than 60 years ago, suppliers started adding it to public water to protect children’s teeth as they matured. Over the years, fluoride started to pop up in more and more products – toothpaste, dental rinses, mouthwashes – and cities, towns […]

Opinion: Shiloh Water wants to stop adding fluoride: Here’s why you should oppose that

We are writing to encourage West Manchester Township residents to oppose the Shiloh Water System’s decision to cease fluoridating their water supply – a decision that will negatively impact the health of their customers.  Concerned residents need to submit comments to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) by Tuesday, January 21, 2020. Shiloh Water […]

What will happen to teeth if you stop fluoridating water?

Note from Fluoride Action Network: This article is by an anonymous writer (as was a similar article published on Nov 23, 2019). FAN critiqued the Jennifer Meyer study on Juneau and produced a press release on our findings see: More Hype Than Evidence, January 17, 2019. (EC) Back in 2007, the inhabitants of Juneau, the […]

New aluminium fluoride factory to provide 100 jobs in Maan

Jordan Phosphate Mines Company Chairman Muhammad Thneibat and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alufluoride Limited of India Venkat Narayanan sign an agreement to establish a factory to produce aluminium fluoride in Jordan on Wednesday (Petra photo) AMMAN — The Jordan Chemicals Company, which is fully owned by the Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (JPMC), […]

City of Newburgh Awarded $3 Million in Water Infrastructure Grants

NEWBURGH, NY – The City of Newburgh is pleased to announce the award of more than $3 million for improvements to the City’s drinking water infrastructure. The funding was made possible through the Water Infrastructure Improvement Act and the Intermunicipal Water Infrastructure Grant Program, and will be used to make state-of-the-art updates to the City’s […]

ACSH in the Media: New Year’s Edition

Note from Fluoride Action Network: The article discussed in #1 below is titled Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada. The study, by Green et al., looked at 512 mother-child pairs from six major Canadian cities.  It was funded by the Canadian government and the U.S. National Institute […]