High levels of fluoride contamination in groundwater of the semi-arid alluvial aquifers, Pakistan: evaluating the recharge sources and geochemical identification via stable isotopes and other major elemental data.

Abstract Hydrogeochemical methods were integrated to delineate the geochemical factors controlling fluoride (F–) contamination in groundwater at four sites in the districts of Lahore (Samada) and Kasur (Sari Chimba, Kot Maiga, and Chah Fatehwala) in Panjab province of Pakistan. Hydrochemical data and stoichiometric ratios indicate Na-Cl and Na-HCO3 as the dominant water types with silicate […]

Tainted water: how a crippling bone disease is linked to drought in India

Insert under photo: Chinnasaidulu Arpula, 32, who was left crippled by fluorosis by his early 20s, stands with the aid of a walking stick after a successful operation on his spine. Credit: Catherine Davison Dusk is already beginning to settle on the small village of Saibandathanda in the district of Nalgonda in central India, but it […]

EPA Continues Progress Under PFAS Action Plan

WASHINGTON ?— As part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) extensive efforts to help communities address per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) under the PFAS Action Plan, the Agency is releasing the Systematic Review Protocol for five PFAS toxicity assessments for a 45-day public comment period. The assessments are being developed under the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Program. […]

Hydrolysis of Formyl Fluoride Catalyzed by Sulfuric Acid and Formic Acid in the Atmosphere.

Abstract Formyl fluoride (HFCO) is an important atmospheric molecule, and its reaction with the OH radical is an important pathway when degradation of HFCO is considered in earth’s troposphere. Here, we study the hydrolysis of formyl fluoride (HFCO + H2O) with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and formic acid (HCOOH) acting as catalysts by utilizing M06-2X, CCSD(T)-F12a, […]

Point Breeze residents protest refinery meeting, saying they’ve been left out of planning process

Shara Dae Howard/KYW Newsradio PHILADELPHIA (KYW Newsradio) — Residents in Point Breeze protested a meeting discussing Sunoco’s Philadelphia Energy Solutions Refinery clean up program Thursday evening, saying they’ve been left out of the process. Dozens of protestors shouting “We have a right to breath” blocked the doors of a meeting held by the city and […]

Long Islanders Wisely Rejected Fluoridation

Gov’t Never Studied Brain Effects Before Assuring Fluoridation Safety Because of smart informed activists, no Long Island water supplier adds unnecessary fluoride chemicals into the public drinking water attempting to prevent tooth decay in tap water drinkers. But New York City does. And legislators might start tapping into NYC’s fluoridated water soon to remedy LI’s […]

Children’s Dental Health Project (CDHP) is shutting down

Note from Fluoridation Action Network The CDHP was at the forefront of fluoridation led by PR expert Matt Jacob who doesn’t work at CDHP anymore. Jacob has his own consulting firm, Jacob Strategies LLC, and is “a communications consultant” for the American Fluoridation Society.  Jacob earned his fluoridation chops successfully lobbying for the fluoridation mandate […]

Astronomers map new emission line to trace most common molecule in the universe

Molecular hydrogen (H2) makes up 99 percent of the cold, dense gas in galaxies. So mapping where stars are born basically means measuring H2, which lacks a strong characteristic signature at low temperatures. Astronomers from SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research and the University of Groningen have now mapped an emission signal from the trace […]

Does water fluoridation really damage your children’s IQ?

A recent study showed that community water fluoridation was associated with lower IQ scores in young children. Opponents of water fluoridation jumped on the study, claiming that it confirms the dangers of fluoride on the developing brain. Since then, a number of critics have pointed out that the differences in IQ scores were small and […]

City of Fredericksburg: Fluoride limitation fails

A fright about fluoride led by activists brought out voters, who agreed with their dentists and rejected a City of Fredericksburg charter amendment that sought to prevent the city from putting a fluoride additive into its water supply. Opposed by the entire local dental community and many doctors, voters turned out to vote “no” to […]