How Can Fluoride Impact Fertility?

While most know that fluoridated toothpaste improves oral health, fluoride in drinking water can impact fertility. Research reveals that consumption of fluoridated community water above recommended levels and for long periods can be detrimental if you are planning a pregnancy. Key takeaways: Fluoride exposure from drinking water, alone or in conjunction with fluoride exposure from […]

Health Officials Delayed Report Linking Fluoride to Brain Harm

Last May, the National Toxicology Program (NTP), a federal research agency, was set to release its eagerly awaited report into the cognitive and neurodevelopmental impacts on humans from fluoride exposure. The report was anticipated for several reasons, including its review of studies linking fluoridated water to cognitive harm in children. Water fluoridation is the long-established public policy […]

Alcoa’s continued pollution in Badin draws attention of nonprofit group

The issue of Alcoa’s chronic polluting of the land and various bodies of water around Badin was brought into the spotlight Thursday as part of a virtual forum hosted by Reimagining America Project, a local organization that uses testimony, witnessing and atonement to combat systemic racism. The organization hosted “Poisoned Land, Poisoned Water: A Legacy of […]

The hazards of fluoridated water

The Legislature should take action to prevent exposure to the inert perfluoroalkylated substances, (“Bill aims to slow spread of PFAS,” Gazette, Mar. 7), but it should also tackle the flip side of the fluoride coin — the reactive sodium fluoride and other fluoride products we deliberately add to drinking water supplies to reduce tooth decay. […]

Bid for fluoridated water doesn’t float with members of Oneida Common Council

ONEIDA — The prospect of fluoridated water in the city of Oneida came before the council again and was quickly voted down. Item number two on the agenda at Tuesday’s Common Council meeting was a recommendation by the City of Oneida Water Board to apply for a $50,000 grant from the New York State Department of […]

Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA Prompts Pending Release of Potentially Damaging Report

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues to oppose and delay a lawsuit filed against them by the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) to ban the use of fluoride in public water supplies in the United States. The case has revealed government attempts to limit available evidence and avoid having the facts of water fluoridation reviewed in court. A […]

Does ingested fluoride affect the human microbiome?

In a recent study published in the journal Toxicology Letters, researchers discuss the effect(s) of fluoride exposure on the human microbiome. The toxicology of fluoride Community water fluoridation (CWF) significantly improves oral health by decreasing the prevalence of caries. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 1 mg/L of sodium fluoride in water for good oral health. […]

How to Optimize Your Water Quality & Intake for Health

In this episode, I discuss our body’s most vital and essential nutrient—water. I explain the structure of water and how it is used by the cells and tissues of our body, how much water we each need to drink and when in order to optimize our mental focus and physical performance; and I include how […]

Why are my child’s teeth discoloured? Find out the causes of yellow teeth

Be it an adult or a child, white teeth is something that we love to have. But there are times when our teeth get discoloured or stained. A lot of times it’s due to what we eat and drink. Sometimes, it goes beyond food. You might find that your child’s one or two teeth have […]

An interview with microbiologist Camille Zenobia, PhD, “oral health activist”

Fluoride was an obvious win back in the day, and I still believe it has its place. However, the use of fluoride is prevalent and natural sources also contribute to our overall exposure. There are regions that have so much natural fluoride that adding more can be detrimental. In addition, we have seen a rise […]