Letter: Community water fluoridation protects Missourians’ oral health

As the Missouri House and Senate consider the fiscal year 2023 budget for the state, Delta Dental of Missouri, a nonprofit and the state’s dental benefits leader, strongly encourages the support of $825,000 in Section 10.740 of House Bill 3010 for the Office of Dental Health Fluoridation Pilot Program. This funding will initiate the Innovative […]

Local Dentist Initiates Push to Put Fluoride Back Into the Clarence Cannon Service Area

Excerpt A local dentist, Dr. Lisa Bosch of rural Knox County, is pushing the Clarence Cannon Wholesale Water Commission (CCWWC) to return to adding fluoride to the water sent to customers throughout the region… “Shortly after I moved here, I started looking to make sure that there was community fluoridation in the water here… I […]

BBC: Fluoridation definition

Fluoridation Fluoridation is the addition of small amounts of fluoride to drinking water to prevent tooth decay. This is done in some areas of the UK. Tooth decay occurs when the enamel on the outer surface of teeth reacts with acid and dissolves. The acid can be naturally present in food or can be made […]

BBC: Fluoride in water in Scotland would save NHS a fortune, says dental expert

Adding fluoride to drinking water in Scotland would save the NHS “a fortune” in preventing tooth decay, says a leading dental professional. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have confirmed they are considering putting fluoride in the city’s water supply. Health boards can ask Scottish Water to introduce it if they can show the support of […]

Christchurch City Council: Protecting drinking water should come before fluoridation

Christchurch City Council will tell the Ministry of Health that ensuring the safety of its water supply network is its priority and it has no funding for fluoridation. “We have a complex programme of work under way that is focused on upgrading parts of our water supply network to ensure it meets the safety standards […]

Who pays for fluoridating Christchurch’s water? Not us, council says

ALDEN WILLIAMS/Stuff All Christchurch city councillors have agreed that if the Government forces the council to fluoridate the city’s water, the Government should pay the estimated $63 million cost. (File photo) Christchurch city councillors have laid down a clear marker that they don’t want to fund the “gobsmackingly eye watering” costs of fluoridating the city’s […]

Understanding how fluoride information and misinformation is shared in social circles

Note from Fluoride Action Network: • It would have been helpful if the original article that prompted the following commentary discussed the lack of critical information given to pregnant women and the parents and carers of formula-fed infants. No U.S. government agency, or state health department, informs vulnerable populations of fluoride’sneurotoxicity. Recent studies report that  […]

AWWA updates its policy statement on the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies

The American Water Works Association (AWWA) supports the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), American Medical Association (AMA), Canadian Medical Association (CMA), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), American Dental Association (ADA), and Canadian Dental Association (CDA), for the fluoridation of public water supplies as a public health benefit. AWWA supports the application of fluoride in a […]

Fluoridation shows Government lacks respect for local councils’ independence

Mike Yardley is a Christchurch-based writer on current affairs and travel, who has written a column for Stuff for 15 years OPINION: Forcing local councils into toothless submission via far-reaching national policy directives and rushed legislative change is becoming a familiar refrain. The “takeover” of council water assets under the Three Waters reform model has […]

Dentists want fluoride added to Scottish tap water

Scotland’s shameful oral health inequalities are set to widen, say dentists, but fluoridation could help to reverse that GETTY IMAGES Adding fluoride to drinking water across Scotland would save the NHS “a fortune” by preventing tooth decay, dental professionals have said after Glasgow announced that it would consider introducing the mineral. NHS Greater Glasgow and […]