Spokane. Letter: Fluoride and IQs

If there’s a new edition of Webster’s dictionary coming out looking for a definition of cherry-picking, I’d nominate the guest opinion by Kimberly Craven and Priti Laselle (“Fluoride stands out as safe, effective, important health tool,” Oct. 17) supporting water fluoridation. Regarding fluoridation lowering IQs, their article refers to the “single and disputed paper that […]

The Effect of Parental Education and Socioeconomic Status on Dental Caries among Saudi Children

Parental attitudes toward the importance of oral hygiene have an impact on the formation of their children’s oral habits and the prevalence of oral diseases. Our aim was to assess the association between parents’ education and socioeconomic status and their children’s oral health. A cross-sectional study was conducted between the years of 2018 and 2020 […]

City council to vote on future of water fluoridation next week

City council will decide next week whether to end the decade-long hiatus on fluoridation in Calgary’s drinking water. After 62 per cent of the votes in this year’s municipal plebiscite on fluoridation favoured the practice, city officials have recommended that council approve its return. If council gives the go-ahead, the city will still have to […]

A New Treatment Helps to Fill Kids’ Cavities Pain-Free

Getting a cavity filled is no fun. There can be pain, shots, numbing, and the harrowing sound of the drill. But a kinder, gentler way to care for kids with cavities is being tested. And the only tool required is a small paintbrush. Five-year-old Skye is pretty happy for a kid who just had a […]

Calgary fluoride discussion on tap at next city council meeting

The process to add fluoride could take between 18 and 24 months, administration said Calgary city councillors could decide on moving ahead with the addition of fluoride into Calgary’s water supply at Monday’s combined meeting of council. An administration report is recommending that council direct administration to begin the process. The matter was voted on […]

Kinston study by UNC will measure the impact of using fluoridated water

Note from Fluoride Action Network: This human experiment with infants is both shocking and unethical in light of the 2020 study Fluoride exposure from infant formula and child IQ in a Canadian birth cohort, performed by Till et al. The authors reported: • “Consumption of formula reconstituted with fluoridated water can lead to excessive fluoride […]

Crowther: Rutland Aldermen discuss city fluoridation

Here is a recap of the Nov. 1 Rutland aldermanic meeting, as it pertains to my request that the board take a fresh look at fluoridation of the city water supply. I understand that the Herald can’t cover everything, but I believe this issue is important, as indicated by a significant turnout of people. All […]

Ayesha Verrall knocks them off [Discussion of fluoridation in Parliament]

Ayesha Verrall’s maiden speech in December 2020 was punchy. Many maiden speeches are. She told of family poverty in the Maldives and lives cut short by disease. Of enabling parents, of the power of education, the privilege of caring, and a journalist cousin who was imprisoned and tortured and eventually became the Maldives first elected […]

Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill passes final reading in Parliament

A bill transferring control of water fluoridation from local councils to the director-general of health has passed its final reading in Parliament. The Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill was initially drafted to give district health boards (DHBs) the power to direct local authorities to fluoridate drinking water. This was before the government announced […]