
Introduction Local authorities in the North East of England plan to conduct a public consultation on community water fluoridation. Monitoring public opinion is an important consideration.

Aims To measure public attitudes in five areas in the North East of England, to determine respondents’ sources of information and their awareness of the current fluoridation status of their local water supply.

Methods A face-to-face quota sample with quotas set for age, gender and district using six closed questions plus demographics. The questions and sample size were based on earlier similar studies.

Results Just over one-third of respondents (283/761, 37%) had read or heard about fluoridation over the previous 12 months. Their main sources of information were local newspapers followed by dental practices. A substantial minority believed, incorrectly, that their water supply was already fluoridated. Sixty percent of respondents were in favour of adding fluoride to the water supply to prevent dental decay while 16% were opposed.

Conclusion and recommendation Public opinion in the North East of England remains favourable to community water fluoridation. Monitoring public opinion should be conducted on a regular basis.

Key points

  • Presents the results of a study of public opinion on water fluoridation in an area proposed for new schemes in the North East of England.
  • Highlights the consistencies and variations within the studied populations.
  • Puts these results in a national, longitudinal context.


1.Lennon M A. Promoting water fluoridation. Community Dent Health 1993; 10 Suppl 2: 57-63.

2. Catleugh M, Delves A, Bellaby P. A review of opinion polls concerning water fluoridation carried out in the United Kingdom between 1977 and 2007. Undated report by the North West Fluoridation Evaluation Group on behalf of the North West Primary Care Trusts (available from info@bfsweb.org).

3. Southampton and South West Hampshire Water Fluoridation Survey; ICM. Research study conducted for South Central Strategic Health Authority: February 2009 (available from info@bfsweb.org).

4. Public Attitudes on Dental Health and Water Fluoridation in the West Midlands; Ipsos MORI. Report for West Midlands Strategic Health Authority 2010 (available from info@bfsweb.org).

5. Durham County Council. Oral health. Available at https://www.durham.gov.uk/oralhealth (accessed April 2021).

6. O’Connell B. Why Northumberland leaders want to increase fluoridation of county’s water supply. Northumberland Gazette (Northumberland) 2019 October 9.

7. MRS. Code of Conduct. Available online at https://www.mrs.org.uk/standards/code-of-conduct (accessed April 2021).

8. SPSS. Quantum User Manual. Available at https://sr.ipsosinteractive.com/SPSSMR/Reporter/doc/en/help/overlap_adjustment.htm#:%20~:%20text=When%20the%20columns%20of%20a,%20samples%20cannot%20be%20considered%20independent (accessed April 2021).

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10. Public Health England. Improving oral health: a community water fluoridation toolkit for local authorities. 2016. Available online at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/improving-oral-health-community-water-fluoridation-toolkit (accessed April 2021).

Author information


Corresponding author

Correspondence to Raymond J. Lowry.

Ethics declarations

RJL is secretary/treasurer of the British Fluoridation Society. MAL is council member and former chairman of the British Fluoridation Society. RB is an employee of the organisation that undertook the survey.

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