THREE out of four Irish 15-year-olds now have rotting teeth, according to dentists.

The Irish Dental Association (IDA) also warned that government cutbacks were having a major impact on the oral health of children.

IDA official Rosarii McCafferty said fewer schoolchildren would be able to afford to see a dentist in the future.

The association, which represents nearly 80pc of the country’s 1,750 dentists, is holding its four-day annual conference in Kilkenny.

Dr McCafferty, who is president of the IDA’s Public Dental Surgeons Group, said: “Unfortunately, the public dental service has suffered badly from the recruitment embargoes imposed by the HSE.”

The IDA recommended that parents should avoid giving their children sugary foods and choose healthy snacks instead.

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NOTE FROM FAN: It is not clear if this article is accurate and if it pertains to Ireland or Northern Ireland. If anyone can clarify, please email us. Thanks.

In 1960, the Irish Parliament (the Dail) passed the Health (Fluoridation of Water Supplies) Act. This mandated that fluoride be added to the public water supplies. Fluoridation began in 1963 and 73% of the population of Ireland drink fluoridated water.