
  • An open letter to Dr Kathleen Matthews, President, Australia Dental Association NSW

    Original Letter online at On 17 February 2021, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council confirmed a community poll on water fluoridation will be held later this year. In response to this decision, Dr Kathleen Matthews, President of the NSW Branch of the Australian Dental Association, has been outspoken in the media, criticising PMH Council for its “baseless” […]

  • NZ: Science turning against fluoridation by Ross Forbes

    Retired paediatrician Roger Tuck (Irresponsible stance, letters March 25) is well out of touch with growing medical science on how ingested fluoride affects the whole of the human body, not just teeth. He also appears to be unaware that fluoride works best on the surface of teeth, not by pushing it into the bloodstream. Even […]

  • Ministry of Health flies blind on fluoridation – by Fluoride Free New Zealand

    If ever there was legislation being advocated by the New Zealand government, that on growing scientific evidence could harm mental development in young people, it is the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill now before parliament. With fluoridation, the ministry is obsessed with dental health and appears to be almost totally blind to the […]

  • Chronic fluorosis: the disease and its anaesthetic implications..

    Abstract Chronic fluorosis is a widespread disease-related to the ingestion of high levels of fluoride through water and food. Prolonged ingestion of fluoride adversely affects the teeth, bones and other organs and alters their anatomy and physiology. Fluoride excess is a risk factor in cardiovascular disease and other major diseases, including hypothyroidism, diabetes and obesity. […]

  • Effects of Fluoride on Thyroid & Body

    You likely know that mercury, lead, and other heavy metals are not great for the body and can cause a host of issues. But whether or not fluoride is safe (or effective) is more controversial. Is Fluoride Beneficial? In the early part of the twentieth century, it was discovered that small communities who had higher […]

  • Fluoride and Brain: A Review.

    ABSTRACT: The mammalian central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. The brain is protected by the blood-brain barrier (BBB) that allows selective traffic of substances into the brain. Fluoride is a highly toxic and reactive element. We get exposed to fluoride due to its common use in toothpaste, dental gels, non-stick […]

  • Two local dentists debate the benefit of fluoride | Opinion

    Editor’s Note: The debate over adding fluoride to water to combat tooth decay is complex, with supporters and critics both saying science is on their side. Water fluoridation is supported by nearly every major health industry group and government health agency, including the American Dental Association, the Centers for Disease Control, the U.S. Department of […]

  • Regina city council approves fluoridated water (source: Western Standard)

    Regina City Council approves fluoridated water, but won’t be added until 2025. A motion to put the issue to a referendum was voted down. Regina City Council voted 10-to-1 to fluoridate its water. The fluoridation can’t take place until upgrades to the Buffalo Water Treatment plant are completed, which is scheduled to finish in 2025. […]

  • Mass medicators refuse to debate fluoride issue

    An interesting thing happened on the way to medical armageddon: Public health authorities recognized that their policies are injurious and even deadly to people so, rather than change their ways and admit liability, they simply state their expertise and refuse to answer serious questions. Public health authorities believe that to publicly debate public health policy […]

  • Shhh… CDC Lowered the Recommended Fluoride Levels for Drinking Water… Pass it On

    Does Your Water Department Know? Does the EPA Know? For years, the question of bad health resulting from fluoride has been dismissed as wild-eyed “conspiracy theories”. In fact, studies have been around for some time indicating that fluoride can have adverse health effects. When you find out what they are via this article, and when […]