
  • Ask the Dentist: Fluoride Pros and Cons: Is Fluoride Safe?

    The use of fluoride is controversial—it’s a known toxin, but we’ve also been told it’s essential for healthy teeth. Fluoride can sometimes be beneficial, but with safer alternatives available, it’s just not worth the risk. Fluoride has always been a controversial topic in the world of dentistry, and as a dentist, I’m going to make […]

  • Public Health Warning Issued for Fluoride Toothpaste

    Story at-a-glance According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 40 percent of children between the ages of 3 and 6 use potentially dangerous amounts of toothpaste The CDC and American Dental Association (ADA) recommend using no more than a pea-sized amount for children in this age group, and those younger than […]

  • Not all these claims about fluoride are accurate

    COMMENT FROM THE FLUORIDE ACTION NETWORK (EC): There are many claims made about fluoride in this “fact checked article” from “The UK’s independent factchecking charity”, but only one was from Bill Osmunson, DDS, MPH, a member of the Board of Directors of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN). The fact-checkers are unclear as to whether they […]

  • The ‘food’ that eats us away

    It is of great concern that globally, people and particularly children are exposed to unidentified toxic chemicals. Silently and insidiously, they cause inflammation and chronic diseases, damage organs, disrupt metabolic processes, erode intelligence, disrupt behaviour, curtail or even put a stop to future achievements – all adding up to damaged societies, particularly and most seriously […]

  • Serum and urine fluoride levels in populations of high environmental fluoride exposure with endemic CKDu: a case-control study from Sri Lanka.

    References Abdennebi, E. H., Fandi, R., & Lamnaouer, D. (1995). Human fluorosis in Morocco: Analytical and clinical investigations. Veterinary and Human Toxicology, 37(5), 465–468.Google Scholar Al-Wakeel, J. S., Mitwalli, A. H., Huraib, S., Al-Mohaya, S., Abu-Aisha, H., Chaudhary, A. R., et al. (1997). Serum ionic fluoride levels in haemodialysis and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients. […]

  • Editorial: Governor, get this poison out of our water

    OPINION — For the past several years the Fayette County Commission in its annual legislative requests to the Georgia General Assembly has included one that would have the state law mandating the fluoridation of public water supplies changed. Given recent and ongoing research, it appears that commissioners were ahead of the curve in attempting to […]

  • Fluoride exposure and sleep patterns among older adolescents in the United States: a cross-sectional study of NHANES 2015–2016.

    Abstract Background Fluoride from environmental sources accumulates preferentially in the pineal gland which produces melatonin, the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. However, the effects of fluoride on sleep regulation remain unknown. This population-based study examined whether chronic low-level fluoride exposure is associated with sleep patterns and daytime sleepiness among older adolescents in the United […]

  • Developmental fluoride neurotoxicity: an updated review.

    Background After the discovery of fluoride as a caries-preventing agent in the mid-twentieth century, fluoridation of community water has become a widespread intervention, sometimes hailed as a mainstay of modern public health. However, this practice results in elevated fluoride intake and has become controversial for two reasons. First, topical fluoride application in the oral cavity […]

  • Fluoride’s Harm to the Developing Brain: Recent Science

    This summary is a must-have document for communities fighting fluoridation. We have two special FAN bulletins this weekend that will focus on our Science Director’s summary of all the important findings from the past three years that indicate that fluoride can impact the brain in various ways – at the exposure levels experienced in fluoridated […]

  • Candidate Profile: Jeffrey Hodges, Motorists Party for Lord Mayor, Brisbane

    Excerpt What is your vision for Brisbane and how do you envisage that taking shape? Brisbane WITHOUT TOLLS, a superb  FREE PUBLIC TRANSPORT network, and a NON-FLUORIDATED WATER SUPPLY. Council wastes over $1 Million a year on water fluoridation in the mistaken belief that this helps prevent dental caries in children, yet there is no […]