
The heterogeneous nature of water well fluoride levels in Sri Lanka: An opportunity to mitigate the dental fluorosis

References Manasree Sarkar, Subodh Chandra Pal, Human health hazard assessment for high groundwater arsenic and fluoride intact in Malda district, Eastern India, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 10.1016/j.gsd.2021.100565, 13, (100565), (2021). Crossref Rohana Chandrajith, Sachini Bhagya, Saranga Diyabalanage, Swarna Wimalasiri, Mahasen A.B. Ranatunga, Johannes A. C. Barth, Exposure Assessment of Fluoride Intake Through Commercially Available Black Tea (Camellia sinensis L

A Tragedy of Relying on Misinformation: Import Ban on Synthetic Fertilizers.

... Agrochemicals are generally considered as the causal factors for many of the non-communicable diseases (NCDs), especially the chronic kidney disease of uncertain etiology (CKDu). Such unproven ideology has been forced into minds of people who are suffering from the disease. Some even dubbed CKDu as ‘Agricultural kidney disease’. This propaganda campaign has brainwashed not only the unfortunate patients, but also the general public and policy makers and thus, creating fear against an impo

Fluoride Sources, Toxicity and Fluorosis Management Techniques – A Brief Review.

Severe effects of fluoride on human health can be seen majorly in developing and underdeveloped countries. Among these countries, India is the most affected country, where there are many endemic fluorosis regions. India also has one of the largest fluorite deposits making its groundwater highly contaminated with fluoride. Most of the regions in Asia and Africa are prone to fluorosis based diseases. In Asia, India and China show the majority of cases. Whereas in the African continent, Tanzania is

Prevalence of dental fluorosis and treatment needs among 11-14 years old school children in endemic fluoride areas of Haryana, India.

Introduction: Dental fluorosis is a major endemic oral disease characterized by hypo mineralization of enamel caused due to consumption of water containing high concentration of fluoride during developmental stages of teeth. Aim: To assess the prevalence of dental fluorosis among 11-14 years old school children in endemic fluoride areas of Haryana and to find their treatment needs. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 2200 school children in endemic

Fluoride Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

This is a fact sheet intended for health professionals. For a reader-friendly overview of Fluoride, see our consumer fact sheet on Fluoride. Introduction Fluoride, a mineral, is naturally present in many foods and available as a dietary supplement. Fluoride is the ionic form of the element fluorine, and it inhibits or reverses the initiation and progression of dental caries (tooth decay) and stimulates new bone formation [1]. Soil, water, plants, and foods contain trace amounts

The fluoride permeation pathway and anion recognition in Fluc family fluoride channels.

Introduction Microbes are protected from the cytoplasmic accumulation of environmental fluoride ion by export of the toxic anion via fluoride channels known as Flucs [1-3]. These small, homodimeric ion channels are remarkable proteins in two regards: first, their unusual “dual topology” architecture, in which the two subunits of the homodimer are arranged antiparallel with respect to each other [4,5], yielding a double-barreled pair of pores related by two-fold symmetry [6-9]. Second, the F

Denser but Not Stronger? Fluoride-Induced Bone Growth and Increased Risk of Hip Fractures.

Abstract Since the mid-1940s, fluoride has been added to toothpaste and (in some countries) tap water, table salt, or milk to reduce dental cavities.1 Although low-level fluoride supplementation prevents cavities, higher levels cause white mottling of the teeth.2 What is more, some studies suggest fluoride in drinking water may increase the risk of bone fractures, although results have been mixed.3,4 A new study in Environmental Health Perspectives sheds light on this issue, examining t

Gut microbiota perturbations and neurodevelopmental impacts in offspring rats concurrently exposure to inorganic arsenic and fluoride.

3.3. Effects of iAs and F-, alone or in combination, on pathological changesin the hippocampal CA1 region H&E staining of neuron in the hippocampal CA1 region was observed at different optical microscope magnifications (Bar = 100 um 50 um in Fig. 2B & C respectively). In the control group, hippocampal CA1 neurons were tightly organized and had multiple cell layers, with healthy cell morphology and clearly stained nuclei and nucleoli. Compared with the control group, hippocampal CA1 neur