
Widespread genetic switches and toxicity resistance proteins for fluoride

Abstract Most riboswitches are metabolite-binding RNA structures located in bacterial messenger RNAs where they control gene expression. We have discovered a riboswitch class in many bacterial and archaeal species whose members are selectively triggered by fluoride but reject other small anions, including chloride. These fluoride riboswitches activate expression of genes that encode putative fluoride transporters, enzymes that are known to be inhibited by fluoride, and additional pr

Neuro-medical manifestations of fluorosis in populations living in the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley.

Data availability All data sets on which the conclusions of the manuscript rely are available as spread sheets documents and available from the corresponding author on reasonable request from the journal editors. Abbreviations F? : Fluoride Mg/L: Milligram per liter WHO: World Health Organization References Abbas, M., Siddiqi, M. H., Khan, K., Zahra, K., & Naqvi, A. (2017). Hematological evaluation of sodium fluoride toxicity in orycto

Strategic Management of Early Childhood Caries in Thailand: A Critical Overview.

The aim of this report was to advocate early childhood caries (ECC) and share strategic management in Thailand, despite over two decades of free Universal Health Coverage including oral healthcare. The recent Thai national oral health survey in 2017 indicates the very high prevalence of ECC, with an average of three carious teeth affected in 53% of 3-year-old children. This is despite the efforts of the Ministry of Public Health that has launched several interventional programs ranging from

Dietary Influences on Urinary Fluoride over the Course of Pregnancy and at One-Year Postpartum.

Data Availability The data that support the findings of this study are available upon reasonable request. References 1.Villa A, Anabalon M, Zohouri V et al (2010) Relationships between fluoride intake, urinary fluoride excretion and fluoride retention in children and adults: an analysis of available data. Caries Res 44:60–68. 2. Idowu OS, Azevedo LB, Valentine RA, et al (2019) The use of urinary fluoride excretion to facilitate monitoring fluoride intake: a syst

Lessons learned from reviewing a hospital’s disaster response to the hydrofluoric acid leak in Gumi city in 2012.

Abstract Background This study analyzed the characteristics of hydrogen fluoride-exposed patients (HFEPs) treated in the emergency department (ED) of a local university hospital, and reviewed the hospital’s disaster response according to space, staff, supplies, and systems (4Ss). Methods This retrospective observational chart review and descriptive study included 199 HFEPs among 2588 total ED patients who visited a local university emergency medical center for treatment between Septe

Human cultured IMR-32 neuronal-like and U87 glial-like cells have different patterns of toxicity under fluoride exposure.

When comparing the F-induced toxicity on neurons and glial cells, it is important to highlight that most studies have used neurons and only two have investigate de glial cells behavior after F exposure [21, 36]. The effect of F on neuronal cell viability is inconsistent across the studies with doses ranging from 18.09 ?g/mL to 36.18 ?g/mL while glia/astrocytes seems to shown decreased cell viability above 19 ?g/mL. As our study is the first one to compare both types of cells facing the same para