
Slaying sacred cows: is it time to pull the plug on water fluoridation?

Notes 1.There are current proposals to introduce water fluoridation in a number of areas in England including Southampton, Bristol, parts of Yorkshire and the North West. In Southampton, 72% of those consulted opposed the scheme but the SCSHA still voted to go ahead with the scheme on the basis that they felt health benefits outweighed all other considerations. Recent proposals by the new coalition government about substantial NHS reorganisation and the abolition of SHAs and local PCTs and

Principles of fluoride toxicity and the cellular response: a review

References Aaron JE, de Vernejoul MC, Kanis JA (1991) The effect of sodium fluoride on trabecular architecture. Bone 12:307–310. https://doi.org/10.1016/8756-3282(91)90015-B Abdelaleem MM, El-Tahawy NFG, Abozaid SMM, Abdel-Hakim SA (2018) Possible protective effect of curcumin on the thyroid gland changes induced by sodium fluoride in albino rats: light and electron microscopic study. Endocr Regul 52:59–68. https://doi.org/10.2478/enr-2018-0007 Adamek E, Palowska-Goral K, Bober K

Biological approaches of fluoride remediation: potential for environmental clean-up.

References Abdallah FB, Elloumi N, Mezghani I, Garrec JP, Boukhris M (2006) Industrial fluoride pollution of Jerbi grape leaves and the distribution of F, Ca, mg and P in them. Fluoride 39:43–48 Ali S, Thakur SK, Sarkar A, Shekhar S (2016) Worldwide contamination of water by fluoride. Environ Chem Lett 14:291–315 Amin F, Talpur FN, Baloucha A, Surhioa MA, Bhutto MA (2015) Biosorption of fluoride from aqueous solution by white-rot fungus Pleurotus eryngii ATCC 90888. Environ Nano

The metabolism of the central nervous system in experimental poliomyelitis.

Excerpts In an attempt to find the reason why the anaerobic breakdown of glucose in brain is less in poliomyelitis, experiments were performed using sodium fluoride as an inhibitor (Table II). The percentage inhibition resulting from fluoride was consistently higher in the normal than in the infected brain, particularly with lower concentrations of fluoride. The residual glycolysis in poliomyelitic brain treated with fluoride was equal to the glycolysis in normal brain with fluoride in every ex

Some epithelial changes in fluorosis.

Extract Like the skin and its appendages, the teeth, nails and hair, so also other tissues of ectodermal origin are here shown to be affected by fluorine. The action of fluorine consists in lowering the level of the calcium in the blood and tissues. The epithelia of the mouth and the salivary glands, of the nasopharynx, the conjunctivae and the lachrymal glands may be affected. Signs and symptoms are thus produced which are closely similar to those usually attributed primarily to infection. It

Fluorine and Fluorosis [October 1944].

Correspondence FLUORINE AND FLUOROSIS Sir, With regard to your remark 'This has led to the suggestion that non-toxic amounts of sodium fluoride. may be added to drinking water for the prevention of dental decay' in the editorial of June number 1944, I wish to draw your attention to the fact that the use of fluorine in dental treatment is in vogue already. A good account was published by Prof. E. H. Lukmsky, Director, Stomatological Clinic, First Moscow State Medical Institute (fluorine cu

Calcium Fluoride.

Therapeutics and Pharmacy. CALCIUM FLUORIDE The therapeutic uses of the fluorides have received comparatively little attention, notwithstanding the fact that it is now generally recognised that a certain amount of fluorine in the form of calcium fluoride is a necessity for the proper strengthening and consistence of the bones and for the normal hardness and good condition of the teeth. According to the Pharmaceutical Journal, however, at least two observers have successfully employed calcium f

The Use of “Salufer” (Silico-Fluoride of Soda) as an Antiseptic

Excerpt BY A. W. MAYO ROBSON, F.R.C.S., Honorary Surgeon, Leeds General Infirmary; and Lecturer on Practical Surgery at the Yorkshire College. A PERFECT antiseptic for surgical purposes has yet to be found. It must be at the same time a strong germicide, non-poisonous, unirritating to the skin or to the tissues, inodorous, non-volatile, not destroyed by oxidation, non-corrosive to steel instruments, non-injurious to sponges, and inexpensive. In " salufer " (silicofluoride of sodium) we hav

Dental Fluorosis and Dental Caries.

FOR some 8 or 9 years past the presence of fluorine in water supplies has been attracting much attention, chiefly as a danger and as the cause of endemic dental fluorosis, or mottled enamel, which has been reported in some 300 communities in 23 states of the Union. According to Dean,1 this condition was first described by J. M. Eager 2 in a report from Naples under the name " Denti di Chiaie (Chiaie teeth)," so called from Dr. Stephano Chiaie, who first observed the condition in Italy, where