Research Studies
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Effect of clayey sediment compression on fluoride enrichment in the Quaternary groundwater system of Cangzhou Plain, China.Abstract
- High fluoride groundwater distributed mainly in the subsidence area of the CZP.
- The fluoride in shallow groundwater mainly originates from the fluorite dissolution.
- Release of clay pore water promotes the enrichment of fluoride in deep groundwater.
- The abundant fluoride in clay pore water was formed by water-rock interaction.
- Clay layer compression has a significant contribution to groundwater F– content.q
The effect of clay layer compression on the enrichment of groundwater fluoride remains unknown. Quaternary groundwater with high fluoride levels at the Cangzhou Plain, which has a long history of land subsidence caused by clay layer compression, poses a potential health risk. The spatial distribution and enrichment mechanisms of groundwater fluoride are identified by sample collection, hydrochemical analysis, and geochemical inverse modeling. The results revealed that fluoride concentrations in 82 % of the 122 groundwater samples above the limit in drinking water as 1.0 mg/L in China. Fluoride in shallow groundwater (depth 20 m, ?average = 2.08 mg/L) was mainly originated from fluorite dissolution and influenced by groundwater, pH, and cation exchange levels. Below ?200?m, the main source of groundwater fluoride (?average = 3.12 mg/L) was the compression?release of clay pore water with high F– concentration, which was generated by complex water-rock interaction. Based on hydrochemical inverse simulation and end-member mixing models, the pore water released from clayey sediments supplied 53%-56% of deep groundwater (>200 m) and contributed 2.07-2.87 mg/L to F– concentration. The findings of this study provide a theoretical basis for future research on prevention of high fluoride groundwater induced by clayey sediment compression.
Groundwater is an important global source of drinking water. Long-term intake of groundwater with high levels of fluoride (F– >1.5 mg/L) may result in waterborne fluorosis, including dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis [1], [2]. High fluoride groundwater has become one of the most serious geological environmental issues in the world, with reports from many countries such as India [3], Pakistan [4], South Africa [5], South Korea [6], Nordic Europe [7], and China [8]. Approximately 26 million people in 29 Chinese provinces suffer from high fluoride groundwater [9].
Natural fluorine is mainly present in igneous, volcanic, and metamorphic rocks, with a minor amount found in deposits rich in fluoride mother rocks [7]. Fluorine can occur in crystalline structures by substituting OH– due to the similarity in charge and radius [10]. The Na-HCO3 type water with a low Ca concentration is advantageous for fluorite dissolution and ion exchange between OH– and F– [11], [12]. Chemical weathering and dissolution of fluorine-containing minerals can lead to the release of fluorine into groundwater [13]. Under the influence of solution pH, poorly crystalline phases rich in Al/Fe in sediments, such as hematite, can serve as effective components for adsorbing or releasing fluorine [14].
The causes of high fluoride groundwater mainly include leaching-enrichment type, evaporation-enrichment type, and compression-release type. The leaching-enrichment type represents that fluorine enters groundwater from fluorine-containing minerals through complex hydrogeochemical reactions such as chemical weathering and dissolution, then accumulates in the discharge area with groundwater flow [15], [16]. The evaporation-concentration type is generated by the strong evaporation of shallow groundwater in arid/semi-arid climate conditions, such as in the Yellow River’s lower flood plain in northern China [17]. The compression-release type refers to a compression process of clayey sediments causing the high fluoride pore water in the clay layer to be released into adjacent aquifers and land subsidence [2]. The first two types of high fluoride groundwater have been widely reported. However, the effect of clay layer compression on the enrichment of groundwater fluoride is frequently disregarded due to its low hydraulic conductivity and limited water supply. On the one hand, researchers found that the recharge amount of clay layer in the severe land subsidence area of Cangzhou Plain (CZP) accounted for 57.6 % of the groundwater in the deep confined aquifer based on GIS spatial analysis and statistical records [18]. On the other hand, clayey sediment contains absorbed fluoride besides fluorine-containing minerals, such as scattered fluoride spread on the surface of clay particles. Studies have shown that these sediment fluorides may migrate into pore water and subsequently enter the aquifer by releasing pore water during compression [10]. In recent years, the phenomenon of deteriorating groundwater quality due to the compression-release of clay pore water has occurred frequently around the world, such as the release of As [19], [20], ammonium [21], heavy metals [22], etc. However, the degree of impact of clay fluorine release on groundwater remains unclear.
The North China Plain (NCP) has the most severe land subsidence in China. The severity area of subsidence in NCP reaches 80 % of the entire country, and it is still in a relatively rapid development stage overall ([24], [25], [23]). Herrera-García et al. [26] discovered that China accounts for about 11 % of the world’s 12 million km2 potential subsidence area, which is mainly distributed in the NCP, and they predicted that the NCP would still be a severe subsidence area worldwide in 2040. Clay compression induced by groundwater overexploitation is the primary cause of land subsidence in the NCP [27]. The high fluoride groundwater induced by clayey sediment compression in the NCP has been preliminarily revealed. Xue et al. [28] determined the hydraulic connection between Quaternary compressible clay pore water and aquifer using 2H, 2O, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopes. Li et al. [8] discovered that the compression of clay layers may induce the release of fluorine into aquifers with pore water through hydrochemistry analysis and simulation. The eastern part of the NCP has experienced several transgressions [29]. Because clay minerals can “fix” the marine element fluorine through adsorption and release it into the aquifer during clayey sediment compression [30], the phenomenon is more common in coastal areas. CZP, as a coastal area with severe land subsidence in the NCP, had a maximum accumulated subsidence of 2.67 m from 1975 to 2013. Meanwhile, the highest concentration of groundwater fluoride was up to 5.59 mg/L [10], [31], posing a serious threat to the drinking water safety of local populations. It is critical to evaluate the impact of clayey sediment compression on the high fluoride groundwater formation in CZP.
Based on the long-term monitoring data of land subsidence and the hydrochemical analysis of plenty of groundwater samples collected at different depths in the CZP, this study can now identify and evaluate the impact of clayey sediment compression on groundwater fluoride enrichment. This study aims to (1) identify the sources and main influencing factors of groundwater fluoride in different Quaternary aquifers and (2) evaluate the contributions of compression-release of clay pore water on the groundwater fluoride enrichment in the deep confined aquifer in CZP. The present study’s findings can provide a new methodology and evidence to distinguish the released fluoride from clayey sediments, which has previously been neglected in understanding the formation of high fluoride groundwater.
Section snippets
hydrogeologic condition
The CZP is located in the southeastern of the NCP (115° 6′ – 117° 8′ N, 37° 4′ – 38° 9′ E; about 14000 km2), including Cangzhou City, Nanpi, Huanghua, Haixing, Qingxian, etc. (Fig. 1). This area has a warm temperate continental monsoon climate with four distinct seasons. The average annual rainfall is 547.5 mm. The terrain of CZP is low and flat and inclines from southwest to northeast. The ground elevation is generally 2-15 m, with a relatively low 1-5 m value along the eastern coastline.
Sediment and groundwater sample collection
The location of the borehole is shown in Fig. 1b. A total of ten 20-cm-long clayey sediment samples and two sand samples of varying depths between 180–415 m were collected through a drilling machine in a 450 m-deep hole. The samples were wrapped with preservative film and aluminum foil to isolate air and light and were then placed into PVC pipes to prevent extrusion. The sediment samples were transported to the laboratory and stored in the refrigerator at 4 C. Clay pore water samples (a total…
Spatial distribution of fluoride in groundwater and clayey sediment pore water
According to the hydrochemical analysis of groundwater samples, the high fluoride groundwater was mainly concentrated in the central and eastern parts of the CZP (Fig. 2). Above 200 m, 74% of shallow groundwater samples had the F– concentration above the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline limit of 1.5 mg/L. Most of the groundwater samples had F– concentrations exceeding 3.0 mg/L between 100-200 m (Fig. 3). Below 200 m, 89% of groundwater samples had an F– concentration above 1.5 mg/L,
The study identified the spatial distribution of groundwater fluoride in the CZP and revealed the potential impact mechanism of clayey sediment compression on the formation of high fluoride groundwater. In the CZP, 82% of the collected groundwater samples contain F– concentrations above the limit in drinking water in China, which is mainly distributed in the central subsidence area and the eastern coastal area. The fluoride in shallow groundwater above 200 m mainly originated from the fluorite…
Environmental implication
Overexploitation of groundwater in the Cangzhou Plain has led to the release of high fluoride pore water from clayey sediment, increasing the groundwater fluoride concentration (up to 5 times higher than the WHO guideline limit) and causing severe waterborne fluorosis. This study identified the spatial distribution and formation mechanism of fluoride in groundwater systems and the quantitative contribution of clayey sediment compression to the enrichment of fluoride in groundwater. This study…