Showing 351 to 355 of 355 Search Results:
In vitro fluoride toxicity in human spermatozoa
Chinoy NJ, Narayana MV.
Journal Name: Reproductive Toxicology
Publish Date: March-April 1994
Volume/Page: 8(2):155-9.
Type: Cell Study
Categories: Reproductive Toxicity, Sperm Effects, Oxidative Stress
Studies on the toxicology of fluorine compounds. I. Histological and histochemical investigations on the liver, heart, lungs, and stomach of rats exposed to hydrogen fluoride.
Humiczewska M, Kuzna W, Put A.
Journal Name: Folia Biologica
Publish Date: 1989
Volume/Page: 37(3-4):181-6.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Heart, Liver, Oxidative Stress, Lung, Stomach
Stimulation of cAMP accumulation and superoxide production in human neutrophils and monocytes
Shahed AR, Zhang W, Antony VB.
Journal Name: American Journal of the Medical Sciences
Publish Date: March 1988
Volume/Page: 295(3):178-82.
Type: Cell Study
Categories: Immune System, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, cAMP, Oxidative Stress
Implication of glutiathione in endemic fluorosis
Jeji J, Sharma R, Jolly SS, Pamnani S.
Journal Name: Fluoride
Publish Date: April 1985
Volume/Page: 18(2):117-19.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, Endemic fluorosis areas
Lipid peroxidation in fluorosis and the protective role of dietary factors
Zh Eksp Klin Med
Journal Name: Antonyan OA.
Language: Russian (with English summary)
Publish Date: 1980
Volume/Page: 20(4):381-388.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Blood, Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Liver, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, Susceptible Populations, Nutritional Status, Protein, Vitamin E, Lipid peroxidation